Researchers Embed Transparent Sensors to Corning Glass

Researchers at Canadian universities and Corning have successfully implanted transparent sensors into Gorilla glass used in most smartphones. In the future, touch screens will also allow the possession of sensors.

These two transparent elements, a conventional temperature sensor, use wires to authenticate the optical waveguide used by the smartphone instead of the power used. It uses photons that pass through the glass channel, rather than another relatively new method of electricity.
Raman Kashyap, a professor of electrical engineering at Montreal Institute of Technology in Canada, said: "It should be possible for manufacturers to start building technologies in smart phones and focus on development within a year. We are actively seeking cooperation with industry partners to use this technology. ”
Kashyap said that sensors can be embedded into any glass surface technology that is expected to be developed in the future. So far, in addition to waveguide temperature sensors developed by his team, force sensors have been developed through independent research. Since the waveguides are etched in the three-dimensional space by the laser, they can even be stacked on top of each other without causing a loss of transparency.

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