Application of check valve in sewage riser

Check valve used in the sewage riser, can be a good solution to the problems caused by sewage back. Drain valves with check valves prevent the return flow of the effluent from damaging the unit while reducing the amount of water stored in the unit.

The purpose of the sewage riser is to pump water that can not be removed by gravity flow through the strong pressure generated by the pump, and more applications in the basement building. Basement sewage through the drainage pipe was pumped into the upper or near the sewage pipe to run away, but the sewage riser to stop running part of the drainage pipe in the sewage without pressure began to return, as the sewage pipe is generally vertical upward , The pressure generated by the backflow is huge, and if the sewage directly falls into the equipment, it is likely to damage the equipment. The solution to the problem of backflow is to install a check valve in the blowdown pipe.

Check valve is to rely on the flow of the media itself and automatically open and close the valve flap, used to prevent the media back to the valve, also known as check valve, check valve, counterflow valve, and back pressure valve. Check valve is an automatic valve, its main role is to prevent media backflow, to prevent the pump and drive motor reversal, and the release of container media. Check valves can also be used on lines where the pressure may rise above the system pressure on the auxiliary system. Check valve in the pipeline should be generally horizontal installation.

Check valve used in the sewage riser, can be a good solution to the problems caused by sewage back. The role of the check valve is to allow the medium to flow in one direction and to prevent reverse flow. It automatically works under the fluid pressure of the sewage riser to extract the sewage, the valve flap is opened; when the water pump stops the sewage backflow, the fluid pressure and the self-weight of the valve flap act on the valve seat to cut off the flow.

Check valves used in sewage risers, are generally installed in the sewage pipe. Drain valves with check valves prevent the return flow of the effluent from damaging the unit while reducing the amount of water stored in the unit.

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