Microsoft today deviated from its normal second Tuesday of each month to launch a security update cycle and launched an emergency patch. Microsoft urges Windows users to install updates as soon as possible. This update resolves a bug in the so-called Windows component that is used to handle validation of Windows computers on the local network. This is somewhat less applicable to Windows home users, but it poses a serious threat. Data security vendor Shavlik said: "This vulnerability allows an attacker to promote the domain user account's permissions to a domain administrator account." CBJ Modular Finishing Boring Head CBJ Modular Finishing Boring Head Cbj Modular Finishing Boring Head,Cbj150 Finishing Boring Head,Cbj200 Finishing Boring Head,Cbj300 Finishing Boring Head SICHUAN JOJO TOOLS CO., LTD ,
Goettl, Shavlik’s product lead, said: “The attacker can use this vulnerability to impersonate any domain account and perform installation procedures, view, change and delete dates, or create any new accounts they want.†This release of the patch There are two. One of the patches was that Microsoft had expected to release earlier this month, but was unexpectedly not released at the last moment. There are signs that hackers are designing to exploit this security hole to capture unpatched Windows systems. Qualys' chief technology officer said: "Because Microsoft's updated SSL/TLS fixed remote execution code discovered Microsoft's information leak during the audit. Security researchers immediately released the patch announcement."
Microsoft released an emergency security patch