February 21 Harbin Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Than Yesterday Last Month Than General Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Tong Steel 4430 0 80 80 Common Line Φ8mm Q235 Tong Steel 4430 0 80 80 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 Xilin 4480 0 80 80 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 Steel 4480 0 80 80 High Line Φ10mm Q235 Beitai 4480 0 80 80 High Line Φ10mm Q235 Newly Asked 4480 0 80 80 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Steel 4520 0 90 120 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Xilin 4520 0 90 120 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Urumqi Steel 4520 0 90 120 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Tonggang 4420 0 90 120 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Xilin 4420 0 90 120 Rebar Φ16 -25mm HRB335 Jianlong 4420 0 90 120 Rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Tonghua/ Xilin 4550 0 120 150 Rebar Φ14mm HRB400 Tonghua/ Xilin 4550 0 120 150 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Tongsteel/Silin 4500 0 150 180 Hot Roll 2.0mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 5220 0 240 240 Hot rolled coil 2.5mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 5090 0 190 190 Hot rolled coil 2.75mm*1050*C Q235 Angang (1700) 5000 0 170 140 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Angang (1700) 4970 0 170 140 Hot rolled coil 4.75mm*1500*C Q235 Saddle Steel (1700) 4880 0 230 200 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Bengang 4970 0 170 140 Hot rolled coil 5.5-7.5mm*1250*C Q235 Benxi steel 4880 0 230 200 Hot rolled coil 3.0mm*1250* C Q235 Tangshan Steel 4970 0 170 140 Hot Roll 5.5mm*1250*C Q235 Tangshan Steel 4880 0 230 200 Hot Roll 3mm*1250*C Q235 Steel 4970 0 170 140 Cold Rolled Plate 1.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 5900 0 50 50 Cold rolled sheet 2.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 5800 0 50 50 Cold rolled sheet 2.5mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 5750 0 50 50 Cold rolled sheet 3.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 5950 0 50 50 Cold rolled sheet 2.0mm*1000*2500 Q195 Steel cladding 5700 0 50 50 Cold rolled sheet 1.0mm*1000*2000 Q195 Benxi Steel 5850 0 50 50 Puzhong Plate 8mm Q235 Sky Steel 5950 0 250 250 Puzhong Plate 10mm Q235 Sky Steel 5650 0 300 300 Puzhong 16-25mm Q235 Tiangang 5350 0 270 270 Low Alloy Plate 16-25mm Q345 Tian Steel 5510 0 270 270 Low Alloy Plate 16-25mm Q345 Jinan Steel 5710 0 270 270 Low Alloy Plate 16-25mm Q345 Ansteel 5710 0 270 270 Color Coil 0.426mm*1000*C SGCC Tianjin Xinyu 7000 0 250 250 Color Coil 0.476mm*1000*C SGCC Tianjin Xinyu 6900 0 300 300 Galvanized Coil 0.5mm*1000*C SGCC Hengtong 6150 0 250 450 Galvanized Roll 1.0mm*10 00*C ST02Z Bengang 5700 0 200 350 Welded pipe 1 inch *3.25mm Q235 Birch forest 4940 0 0 0 Welded pipe 2 inch *3.5mm Q235 Birch forest 4900 0 0 0 Welded pipe 3 inch * 4.0mm Q235 Birch forest 4900 0 0 0 Steel 12# Q235 A-steel 4450 0 100 100 I-beam 26# Q235 Angang 4750 0 50 50 Channel 16# Q235 A-steel 4450 0 100 100 Channel 25# Q235 Laiwu Steel/ 0 0 0 Angle 50*5mm Q235 Steel 4450 0 50 90 Steel 100*10mm Q235 Steel 4600 0 100 150

Tube Type Heat Exchanger

fixed tube heat exchanger
The structure of fixed tubesheet heat exchanger is simple, compact and cheap, but cannot be cleaned mechanically. This tube bundle of heat exchanger is connected ontubeplate, which is welded on both ends of the shell, the top cover connected are equipped with fluid inlet and outlet nozzles.A series of baffles perpendicular to the tube bundle are usually installed outside.Two different temperatures fluids inside out, therefor regid material is used. Therefore, to avoid thermal expansion between tubes inside out when temperature difference is higher than 50°C, automatic temperature compensator needs to be installed.However, the compensation device can only be used in the case that the pressure of the shell side fluid is not high when the temperature difference between the shell wall and the pipe wall is less than 60-70°C. Generally, when shell side pressure exceeds 0.6Mpa, because compensation ring is too thick, it is difficult to expand and lose the role of temperature compensation, other structures should be considered.

High Efficiency Tube Heat Exchanger,Tube Heat Exchanger For Electroplating,Stainless Steel Tube Heat Exchanger,Industrial Tube Heat Exchanger

Yangzhou Tongyang Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. , https://www.tongyangchemic.com