defoamer chemical,defoamer antifoam,defoaming agent,foam and antifoam NINGBO LUCKY CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO. LTD ,
According to the results of our determination of various early and late rice varieties used in production for many years, the following conclusions can be drawn: China's glaze rice varieties do not generally have dormancy, and fully matured glazed rice seeds are harvested and the germination rate is Up to 80 or more intestine, so that it completely germinates. However, there are some differences between varieties. The dormancy period of japonica rice varieties is generally more obvious than that of glaze rice varieties, and the early japonica varieties are deeper than the late japonica varieties. Late cultivars also have different traits, planting time, and year. The dormancy period is within one month or there is no dormancy period, and the dormancy period of long-lasting pods can be as long as several months.
It was found that the zen shell of dormant rice had no inhibitory effect on the germination of non-dormant rice grains. For example, the rate of germination of Kefu early-release shell Baoyuan Fenglong rice was 92.0 intestine. Kefu early rice is 8. In the intestine, the original early rice and rice were 99.5 intestines and 98.0 intestines. Therefore, we believe that the dormancy of rice is not caused by the presence of inhibitory substances in the zen husk, but due to poor air permeability of the species. In order to further clarify the relationship between rice seed coat and dormancy. We used dormant seeds for machine shelling and hand shelling. Germination tests were conducted with intact seeds that were not shelled. Obviously, due to the machine peeling damage the seed coat, enhance the permeability of brown rice and promote germination. It can be concluded that the reason for the dormancy of rice seeds is firstly the effect of the captive shell, followed by the effect of the seed coat. Their hindrance to germination is caused by poor air permeability rather than the presence of inhibitory substances. The seeds with shallow dormancy have good air permeability, and the reason for dormancy is mainly the hindrance of shell release. The main reason for the dormancy of rice seeds is due to the poor air permeability of the shell. Therefore, shelling has a significant effect on breaking dormancy.
Through the test results of the rice seed sampled and counted by the photoelectric automatic counting instrument, we can clearly find out that if the seed germination rate of the rice is to be determined during the seed test, it is best to remove the rice seed. But also need to pay attention to the need to germinate immediately after shelling, otherwise the impact on the germination rate is very large. In the breeding and breeding work, it is necessary to sow the seeds immediately after harvesting. It is recommended that germination should be promoted by treatment of dormant seeds with diluted hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid before sowing. If you do not immediately sow, you can use warming treatment to break the seed dormancy.
Application of Photoelectric Automatic Particle Counting Apparatus in Rice Seed Dormancy Analysis Experiment
One of the main food crops cultivated in China is rice, but the dormancy period of rice varieties cultivated in China is generally short, and some dormancy is not obvious. As far as the current cultivation situation is concerned, it is generally mature in the hot and rainy season, and it is prone to sprouting, which will seriously affect the yield and quality. Moreover, in the process of breeding and thoroughbred breeding, due to the dormancy of certain species, work difficulties are caused and unnecessary losses are caused. Therefore, it is very important to study the dormancy characteristics of rice seeds. During the test, rice seeds can be sampled and counted using a photoelectric counting instrument instead of manual tests.