1. When overtaking in a more urgent situation, it is necessary to continuously change the low beam and high beam lights to remind and tell the vehicle that was driving in front of the vehicle. After confirming that the preceding vehicle is allowed to pass the road, the vehicle can be carried over. Overtaking, and you want to use Yu Guang to view the mirrors on the left and right side to prevent the vehicles coming from behind from overtaking. If the rear vehicle has a signal that gives a passing car, you need to go through the rearview mirror to check the next situation. After confirming that there is no vehicle, turn the right turn signal to turn on slowly. To change lanes. 2. When driving on roads planted with trees on both sides of the road, it is easier for the lights to gather light. This can also make the sight on the road look more clear and the light will be better. It is easier. It is good to judge the condition of the road surface to be driven and the situation of the vehicle passing through the intersection. However, if the wrecker is running around and there are no reference objects or light-gathering objects, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the vehicle. Judging from the illumination of the light beam of the vehicle, the situation of the road surface is judged, and attention is paid to the observation of some gravure on the road. Happening. If there is a curve, then the speed can be properly reduced. 3. If the wrecker needs to drive at night, it is necessary to turn on the flashing lights on the side and the alarm flashing lights on the top, and it is necessary to drive according to the prescribed speed and the prescribed lane. Good is not too close to the roadside. Because of the lack of nighttime light, it is inevitable that there will be obstacles on the roadside where pedestrians or some unlit motor vehicles, sand piles and so on appear. In addition, the wrecker must pay attention to the surroundings when passing through a residential area or crossing the road at night. 4. When wreckers encounter heavy trucks that are overloaded at night, do not follow behind the trucks. Instead, pull them out of a certain distance. The approximate distance should be in an emergency situation. The braking distance is sufficient because overloaded trucks may spill items on the ground due to their full load. If the trailing distance is relatively close, there will be accidents. 5, wreckers need to use different lights when driving on different road environments. If the condition of the road passing at night is relatively good, the light of the street light is also relatively good, then the vehicle will be able to turn on the low beam. Now. If the visibility on the road surface is relatively low and there is no street light, the low beam light must be turned on. When viewing road junctions and road signs, you can turn on the high beam light for a short time. It is the vehicle that is traveling. The goal is to turn off the high beam. Engine Parts as follow:
1.Piston/piston ring/piston pin/Cylinder Liner
2.Engine bearing/valve/guide/seat/thrust/gasket set
3.Gasket head/ cylinder head/ cylinder block/ cylinder liner
4.Crankshaft/camshaft/con rod/
5.Fuel pump/ oil pump/water pump
6.Starter/ generator/alternator
Main engine model:
1) for C-AT: S6KT, D330, 3204, 3116, 3406, C9, C10, 3304, 3306, 3408, 3512
2) for ISUZU: C190, C221,C240, 4JB1, 4JH1, 4HG1T, 4BG1, 6HH1, 4JA1, 4JB1T, 6VE1, 4ZD1, 4HF1, 4BE1, 6RB1, 6BB1, 6BD1/4BD1, 6BG1T, 4HK1, 6HK1, 6WG1, 6SD1, 10PA1, 10PD1
3) for MITSUBISHI: S4S, S4E, S6E,S6S,4D56, 4M40, 4D31, 4D34, 6D14/T, 6D15/T, 6D16/T, 6D22, 6D24, 6D31, 6D34, 6DB1, 8DC9, 8DC11
4) for KOMAT`SU: 4D92, 4D94E, 4D95/6D95, 4D102/6D102, 4D105/6D105, S6D108, 6D110, 6D120, S6D125, 6D130, 6D140, S6D155, S6D170, 4D120, 4D130, 6D114, 6D107, NH220
5) for YANMAR: 4TNV94/98, 4TNV88/84, 4TNE94/98, 4TNE88/84, 3D84-2/3,4D84-2/3,3TNV78,3TNV84,3TNE84
6) for HINO: WO4D, W06D, H06CT, H07CT, H07D, J08C, EB300, EF750, EH100, EH700, K13, EM100, EK100T, F17C, M10U, P11C
7) for CUMMINS: 4BT, 6BT 5.9, 6CT 8.3, M11, L10, NH220, NT855, KT19,N14,A2300,B3.3,B5.9
8) for DAEWOO:DB58/T D1146/T D2366/T,DC24,DB33A
9) for NISSAN: H20,K21,K25,H25,H20,A15,H15,SD22,SD25,TD27, TD42, ED6, FD6, FE6T, NE6/ND6, PD6T, PE6T, PF6, RD8, RE8, RF8
10) for KUBOTA: V2203,V2403,V3300
11) for TOYOTA: 1DZ,1Z,2Z,2J,2H,4Y,4P,5K,11Z,13Z
12) for VOLVO: 210,240,290
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Wreckers need to pay attention to six matters during night driving