Namely wastewater containing mercury sulfide was added, the reaction is as follows: 2Hg + +S 2- â†â†’ Hg 2 S â†â†’ HgS ↓ +Hg ↓ Since the concentration of HgS is small, precipitation of HgS can be precipitated even under acidic conditions (pH ≥ 1). When an excess of wastewater S 2- ions, in order to avoid adverse consequences, may be supplemented with ferrous sulfate iron sulfide precipitate. Meanwhile, Fe 2+ and sewerage OH - ions incorporated into Fe (OH) 2 and Fe (OH) 3 may also be suspended from micro-fine HgS common cause sedimentation and coagulation sedimentation effect. For example, when a plant is treating 5 mg/L of wastewater containing mercury, it is first neutralized with lime (pH=8-10), which is conducive to the precipitation and corrosion prevention of HgS, and then discharged after treatment with Na 2 S and FeSO 4 . Water can be diluted to meet emission standards. The method treats inorganic mercury as a high-efficiency method, and organic mercury is first oxidized to inorganic mercury before it can be treated by precipitation. Lifting Rod,Steel Level Lifting Rod,Alloy Steel Level Lifting Rod,Steel Lifting Rod Wuxi Sixleaf Machinery Co. LTD ,
Hg 2+ +S 2 - â†â†’ HgS ↓
Sulfide precipitation method