Scientific research advantages of artificial climate incubators compared to large greenhouses

The artificial climate incubator is an experimental equipment widely used in environmental testing, scientific research (such as species breeding, plant protection, tissue culture, and bioengineering). It can simulate various meteorological conditions in the natural world and accurately control the indoor temperature according to experimental requirements. Indicators such as humidity, light, and coz reproduce various climate environments. This has created environmental conditions for the study of the growth, development, physiology, and biochemical processes of small species.) It has a wide range of fields such as scientific research, modern agriculture, medicine, metallurgy, and chemical engineering. Application prospects.

Compared with the large-scale greenhouse, due to the small size of the artificial climate incubator box, prisoners and their impact on wind, soil, evaporation and other biological elements can be neglected. It has a feature that distinguishes it from a large-scale greenhouse. First, the mountain Closeness is good, and external influences are relatively small. First, the mountain is small in area, and the effects of warming and cooling are relatively sensitive to the environment. The heat is relatively uniform everywhere; the system is a system with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The input variables include indoor temperature, indoor humidity, carbon monoxide concentration, light, and the like. The output variables include temperature, humidity, and carbon monoxide concentration. The system variables are small and phase independent, and the control loops of each t system are inconsistent with each other. Together, the control of the system's variables will affect other state changes. Yamauchi's problem is more complex, and only the most important climate impact on the growth of crops is controlled.

Artificial climate incubator in the actual control, such as the outside measured temperature T, and the set temperature Tc: a large difference, in the early stage of temperature rise will make the SCR voltage regulator output voltage to maximize the adjustment time, such as the outside temperature and If the difference between the set values ​​is small, then the voltage regulator outputs a voltage according to a certain ratio during heating; in the late period of heating, in order to prevent the temperature inside the cabinet from overshooting, the regulator output voltage should be set before reaching the set value. At a minimum, the climate chamber itself is a big inertia link, it will slowly rise to the required constant temperature point Tc.

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