Anhui Chlor-alkali Magical Flaking Burning Mode

Anhui Chlor-Alkali Chemical Group boldly negated the heavy oil and hydrogen mixed combustion mode used by the company's caustic soda production line for horses, and carried out technological transformations. It used the new hydrogen-burning mode of venting, and in 2005 it created a profit of more than 2.5 million yuan.

The caustic soda process introduced by the chlor-alkali group with a total investment of 30 million yuan was formally put into use in July 2002. Due to the large number of chain protections of the heavy-oil blending combustion mode control system, the plant was frequently stopped and the capacity could not reach the target. . Every time you re-drive, the thermal shock caused by the large temperature difference affects the life of the equipment and the product quality is not stable enough. Insufficiently discharged black smoke causes local pollution.

To this end, the chlor-alkali group brainstormed to adopt the method of going global and learn from the success of the company's caustic combustion model. In April 2005, under the guidance of experts from Switzerland, a further investment of 450,000 yuan was made for technical rectification. The use of a large amount of vented hydrogen resources generated by the electrolysis process and the use of a new 100% hydrogen combustion model effectively solves the old difficulties of frequent stopping of equipment, deters sources of pollution, and enters a virtuous cycle of production. The rate of genuine products has changed from 95% to 99%. The new model no longer uses a lot of steam atomized heavy oil, and it can use 10 million cubic meters of hydrogen to ventilate throughout the year. As of now, it has saved more than 2 million yuan.

Auto Pouring Systems

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Changzhou Qiaojie Casting Equipment Co., Ltd. ,