Multilayered Pipe Co-extrusion Production Line Zhangjiagang Polestar Machinery Co.,Ltd ,
However, the relevant gas concentrations provided by these sensors will still play an important role in safety, environmental protection and public health. As a field safety instrument, such gas monitors will detect the concentration value in real time when harmful gas is present, and when it exceeds a certain limit, they immediately issue an alarm to guide people in their actions.
In order to adapt to different uses, toxic and harmful gas detectors generally adopt a portable or fixed method, which has the characteristics of simple operation, convenient maintenance and reasonable price. Confined spaces (including reaction tanks, oil tanks, lack of well ventilated workshops, underground pipelines, underground drains, underground storage tanks, cabins, etc.) are important sites for hazardous gas detection.
Any person who is about to enter or has entered the confined space to work must constantly monitor the concentration of toxic and harmful gases inside the workplace, and these dangerous components may exist before the workers enter the confined space, or because they During the formation of activities. The vast majority of accidents are caused by the lack of detection of dangerous gases before and during work in confined spaces. With the wide application of industrial products, the handling of environmental emergency accidents is also increasingly placed in front of all levels of governments and accident handling teams.
How to monitor toxic and harmful gases before accidents, track toxic and harmful gases during accidents, and detect environmental and personnel residues after an accident, which is also the most basic of gas monitoring instruments in environmental emergency accidents. application.
Poisonous and harmful gas detector relative detection technology
All gas sensor technologies are based on the physical or chemical nature of the gas, and are converted into electrical signals that can be processed, amplified, and transmitted by electronic circuits through optoelectronic technology. Therefore, as a relative detection technique, all gas monitoring instruments must often be calibrated with a standard concentration of gas. At the same time, although these sensors are more and more sophisticated in their manufacture, they are still unable to achieve the performance specifications of analytical instruments because of their own limitations, and they are also difficult to use as gas quantitative analyzers. The best application of their gas concentration readings is to use them. Do you indicate whether your site is safe or not?