Overview of non-polar mineral collectors

Hydrocarbon oil collectors are classified into three types: aliphatic hydrocarbons, alicyclic hydrocarbons, and aromatic hydrocarbon collectors. Hydrocarbon oil collectors are insoluble in water and cannot be dissociated into ions, so they are also called non-polar collectors or neutral oil collectors. Because of its low chemical activity, it generally does not chemically interact with mineral surfaces.
Industrial sources of hydrocarbon oil for two: one for the oil industry products, such as kerosene, diesel and fuel oil; the other for coking chemical products such as tar, heavy oil, in oil. Because coking by-products are not widely sourced, complex and unstable, there is often a certain amount of phenols that are highly toxic and are rarely used.
The composition of petroleum varies with the place of origin and is divided into three categories according to its composition: paraffinic petroleum; naphthenic petroleum and aromatic petroleum. Petroleum crude oil also contains different amounts of oxygen, sulfur and the like. In the petroleum refining process, a series of chemical treatments are required. Therefore, among the petroleum refining products, the neutral oil as a flotation agent has a wide variety and various compositions. Commonly used as flotation agents are kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, heavy oil, transformer oil, and the like. Compared to ionic collectors, the entire molecule of a hydrocarbon oil is non-polar and has no polar groups. It has strong hydrophobicity, is insoluble in water, and is emulsified into fine oil droplets in the slurry due to strong agitation. Therefore, the fixation process of hydrocarbon oil on the mineral surface is due to: the first collision effect. The oil droplets are adhered to the surface of the hydrophobic mineral. Then, the oil droplets on the surface of the ore particles gradually merge and unfold to form an oil film covering the surface of the ore particles, thereby greatly enhancing the hydrophobicity of the mineral surface and making it have good buoyancy.
The earliest mineral flotation method, the so-called full oil flotation, uses hydrocarbon oil as a flotation agent. Currently, the use of a hydrocarbon oil as flotation agent alone, but may be some natural good floating nonpolar minerals, including graphite, coal, sulfur, aluminum ore Hui, talc, and other minerals realgar. In general, the use of hydrocarbon oil for flotation alone, the amount of drug is large, often requires 0.2~ 1.0kg /t or higher, poor selectivity.
As an auxiliary collector, hydrocarbon oils, especially fuel oil, kerosene and diesel oil, are important flotation agents. For example, in the 1975 US annual flotation agent consumption, hydrocarbon oil (mainly fuel oil, followed by Kerosene) accounts for almost half. Moreover, no matter whether the cation or anion collector is mixed with the hydrocarbon oil, the harvesting ability is often improved and good results are obtained. In the flotation practice, many such examples are, e.g., soaps with a fatty acid mixture and kerosene as collector apatite flotation, iron ore flotation oxide with a fatty acid and fuel oil, and in the flotation of quartz The combination of fatty amines and kerosene not only improves the index, but also saves the amount of amine. Hydrocarbon oil-assisted collectors are also widely used in foreign countries for the selection of sulphide mineral milk. It has been proved that it contributes to the flotation of coarse particles and continuous particles.

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