I have been painstakingly pondering over three years to overcome the cotton picking problem. Tianmen farmers invented the stripping machine.

On the 24th, the experiment of a small stripping machine in Jinchang Village, Wangchang Town, Tianmen City attracted the attention of many local farmers and agricultural technicians.

Fresh cotton that has just been picked is fed from the entrance. In an instant, the white cotton and the shell are completely stripped and then flow to their respective outlets (pictured). This is the result of three years of painstaking research by the peasant Mei Xiaokun.

Mei Xiaokun is a local farmer. After graduating from high school in 1989, he returned to the countryside to work as a farmer. After two years, he went to work in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

In his work, he taught himself a lot of mechanical knowledge.

Mei thinks that Tianmen is a cotton producing area. During the cotton harvesting season, farmers often strip cotton all night, labor intensity and low efficiency. They are determined to invent a machine to help the villagers. After 2002, he returned to his hometown to farm and research the stripping machine. After three years of experimentation, it finally succeeded.

Pump Body Casting

Pump body is a machine that transports liquid and increases the pressure of liquid.
Pump body is divided into chemical pump body and water pump body.
Main differences: special materials and design to prevent corrosion and adapt to chemical process, including structure, shaft seal, materials and maintenance difficulty. Requirements of chemical pumps.
Meet the requirements of chemical process and run reliably.
Corrosion resistance and wear resistance.
Meet the requirement of no leakage.
Or high-temperature and low-temperature resistance, and can work continuously effectively.

Pump Body Casting,Centrifugal Pump Castings,Volute Of Centrifugal Pump,Stainless Steel Spiral Case

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