It may be that half of the people who are driving the mobile sales trucks are feeling that they are slowly swallowing, hesitating, and they often appear to be Luchi. This is also because of the misconceptions that everyone has about female drivers under the condition of coincidence, most women are generally not interested in the aspects of suspension, machinery, and the control of vehicles. Of course, these iron blocks that are not desirable are certainly Without investing too much effort, the technology of driving a mobile sales wagon is basically from strange to familiar. So how can a female driver better protect the safety of the vehicle? 1. Decorating the interior of a car to a large and small doll is a common problem that many female drivers will make. In fact, it does not address female drivers' accessories. Only the accumulation of some inconsequential things in the cab of the mobile vending car will cause the driver's driving vision to be affected. When you need to depress the vehicle's emergency brake, you can see the cab is constantly shaking. Even a direct collision with the driver or the person above the first officer may be serious for safe driving. 2, in order to be able to make their own lines in a beautiful, a lot of women will buy different heights of high heels. As everyone knows, it is very important to wear a high-speed mobile vending room. Whether it is slippers or platform shoes, high heels are not desirable. For the sake of safety, female drivers of mobile vending trucks should often stock up on flat shoes that are used for driving. The incorrect posture of driving a vehicle is not only a mistake that a female driver can make, but also some difficult drivers can also appear in various wrong places. Some rookies feel that adjusting the position of the steering wheel and seat to the nearest will be safer, but this sitting posture is more dangerous. The correct posture for driving a mobile sales wagon should be to adjust the seat first and raise the seat if possible, so that the sight line height will be better, and the contact between the body and the steering wheel, All need to be close to the back as a basic requirement. When you straighten your arm forward, you need to surpass the steering wheel to be about the size of a fist.
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How to Guarantee the Safety of Female Drivers Driving Mobile Vending Wagons