There are too many instability factors on the road and the most common ones are female drivers and large trucks. If you are in the process of driving a hand-held car, when you are in front of a large truck that has a heavy load, you need to be careful if you want to go over it. When driving a distance of 100 meters from a large truck, we must first carefully observe how the road ahead, and in the situation that we can confirm that the road ahead is in good condition and the line of sight is not obstructed, the overtaking lights and strobe lights need to be large. The lights will be used together and at the same time the specific direction of the large trucks will need to be observed. If large trucks do not shake right or left and drive on roads, they can quickly increase the throttle. After exceeding the big truck, don't go with it to a driveway, at least after being able to reach it roughly four or five hundred meters away, and drive it to the driveway. In the process of overtaking, the steering wheel must be well controlled. The strobe lights and the whistle sometimes need to be played, so that the driver of the truck can be clearly notified that you are overtaking now. Because some large trucks may not be able to see your flashing lights when they are overloaded, whistle is also a concern that there may be some reasons why large truck drivers cannot hear them. The safest. When manually lining up with large trucks, it is important to keep in mind that the two conditions are not to be followed. The first is that those goods that are not stable in loading, the second one is overloaded, and the items to be transported are not light. When such a truck is encountered, conditions must be exceeded. And when overtaking, the movement must be rapid, do not slowly swallow, but also need to always pay attention to the dynamic of large trucks, and when overtaking because of its own blind spot is much larger. When overtaking, we must pay close attention to the situation of large trucks, such as whether the items carried by the trucks are arranged neatly, whether there is any shaking, whether the tires of the vehicles are abnormal, and whether the body is tidy. . In fact, from the observation of these small details, we can determine some of the driver's habits and the use of trucks. From the neat level of the goods, it can be known whether the management of the transportation team is standardized; the clean and clean body of the vehicle also shows that the driver of the truck always has the same care for driving; the oldness of the truck tire is also related to the bursting of tires. Some hidden dangers. If the big trucks that are dirty and dirty are the biggest curse of traffic accidents, how far can a driver of a sedan drive a hand-cart when he encounters such a truck?
Seed Treating Machine
Fully Automatic Rotary coater is designed
to coat varieties of seed with desired chemical/polymers.
he machine for coating seed of various
crops, such as seed of wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, soybeans, cotton,
vegetable seeds, fruits seeds and so on.
It has the optimal design, and is very
famous in Chinese market. It has many advanced designs such as use spray mouth
to make the medicine coated the seeds evenly, and rolling the cylinder to make
further coating. It has many advantages such as compact size, easy for
operation, low failure, reliable, easy to clean-up, no gas release and accurate
coating medicine injection, make uniform film of coating medicine and using
Seeds will be quantificational fed into the
rotary cylinder through feeding bucket, at the same time quantitative medicine
will be atomized by air pump and sprayed to the surface of seeds, then the
seeds will be well mixed in the rolling cylinder.
The seeds will be coated with liquid
medicine before the sowing, for dealing with the different diseases and for
better germination
Real result after seed coating:
Seed Treating Machine,Seed Treater,Seed Coating Machine,Seed Dressing Machine SHIJIAZHUANG SYNMEC INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED ,
How to do manual transmission of large trucks