Flotation of copper pyrite

Copper pyrite is mostly skarn type copper deposit, and its general reserves are small. It is found in Anhui, Hubei, Hebei, Liaoning and other places in China.

The characteristics of this kind of ore are that the copper mineral is mainly brass and the grade is not high; the iron mineral is mainly magnet, the grade is high, and when the iron content is high, the copper content is decreased; the iron sulfide mineral is apart from the pyrite. , often contains pyrrhotite.

1. Separation of copper pyrite ore

The separation process of copper pyrite is generally carried out by first using the flotation method to float the copper-sulfur minerals, and then selecting the magnetite by magnetic separation.

The flotation of copper-sulfur minerals can be carried out by preferential flotation, or by a mixture after flotation, depending on the ratio of copper to sulfur in the ore and its embedding characteristics.

For the separation of copper pyrite ore, strengthening the flotation of pyrrhotite is the key to improving the sulfur recovery rate and reducing the sulfur content in iron concentrate. The scheme for activating pyrrhotite is: sodium sulfide + copper sulfate, sodium fluorosilicate + sulfuric acid, sodium fluorosilicate + copper sulfate, oxalic acid + copper sulfate; in addition, ammonium sulfate, copper ammonium complex sulfate, monosubstituted sodium phosphate and the like are pyrrhotite potent activators. For ores with higher magnetite, iron concentrate desulfurization flotation is often used to reduce the sulfur content.

Second, the production practice of copper pyrite

A copper pyrite is a skarn copper-containing magnetite. Copper minerals are dominated by chalcopyrite, followed by chalcopyrite and copper blue. The iron sulfide minerals are pyrite and garnet. Sulphides were disseminated fine magnetite particles or inclusions, they must be finely ground.

The principle flow of the mine production is shown in Figure 1. The copper-sulfur mixed flotation is carried out in neutral (pH=7) pulp. When copper and sulfur are separated and floated, lime is used to suppress floating copper and sulfur, and lime is used to adjust the slurry pH=11~12. In order to reduce the sulfur content in the iron concentrate, the iron concentrate after magnetic separation is subjected to desulfurization flotation, and the pyrrhotite is activated by using sodium sulfide + copper sulfate as an activator. Although the desulfurization flotation is carried out after magnetic separation, the sulfur content in the iron concentrate is still about 1%.

Figure 1 Flow chart of a copper pyrite flotation principle

The final selection criteria for the mine are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Selection indicators
Raw ore grade /%
Concentrate grade /%
Recovery rate/%

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