Industrial production process will produce a large number of VOCs containing exhaust gas, VOCs in different industries have different composition and concentration, then, in the exhaust gas treatment, how to choose according to the exhaust VOCs concentration and composition of the different treatment process? 1, with high concentration of VOCs of the exhaust gas: should give priority to the use of condensate recovery, adsorption recovery technology for recycling, and to help achieve other emission control standards. 2, with medium concentrations of VOCs exhaust gas: Adsorption technology can be used to recover organic solvents, or catalytic combustion and thermal incineration technology to achieve compliance with emissions. When using catalytic combustion and thermal incineration technology for purification, waste heat recovery and utilization should be carried out. 3, with low concentration of VOCs of the exhaust gas: recovery value can be used when the adsorption technology, absorption of organic solvents after the discharge standards; should not be recycled, the adsorption concentration combustion technology, biotechnology, absorption technology, plasma technology or UV Light advanced oxidation technology standards such as emissions after purification. 4, containing organic halogen VOCs exhaust: non-incineration technology should be used. 5, foul gas pollution sources: biotechnology, plasma technology, adsorption technology, absorption technology, advanced ultraviolet oxidation technology or combination of technology to purify. In addition to meeting the requirements of standard emission, the purified odor gas should also adopt measures such as high-altitude emission to avoid the problem of disturbing the people. 6. Catering service: Promote the fume extracting device with the function of oil mist recovery, and achieve the standard discharge after being purified with high-efficiency fume and VOCs purification devices according to the scale, site and climatic conditions. 7. Strictly control the secondary pollution generated during the treatment of VOCs. For the inorganic waste gas containing sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine generated in the process of catalytic combustion and thermal incineration, as well as the pollutants generated in the process of adsorption, absorption, condensation and biological treatment Organic wastewater, should be dealt with discharge standards. 8, For non-renewable filter materials, adsorbents and catalysts and other purification materials, should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Solid Waste Management Disposal. Shaped Hole Spinneret,Customized Starhole Spinneret,Jier 3C Spinneret,Customized Star Hole Shaped Spinneret Changzhou Jier Precision Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ,
Different Concentration and Kind of Industrial VOCs Treatment Technology Selection