Determination of soil nutrients in peach orchard using soil nutrient analyzer

In order to be able to provide high quality organic foods, organic production is indispensable and this will not negatively affect the environment. This is also an important way to achieve economic, environmental and social benefits. In recent years, the consumption of organic industry and organic products in China has developed rapidly. The organic production system replaces chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers, and the impact on soil quality is increasingly receiving attention. Peach is one of the famous fruits in China. Organic peach has a large consumer market and development space. The soil nutrient analyzer can quickly analyze the nutrients in the soil of the fruit garden, and provide effective data support for the application of the peach. Organic peaches have been reported in terms of yield quality analysis and pest control. However, little research has been reported on the effect of organic production system of peaches on soil nutrient. During the growth of peaches, a large amount of elements N, P, K need to be absorbed from the soil, and the demand for the middle elements Ca, Mg, S and trace elements Fe, Mn, Zn, and B is large.

Soil moisture in organic production systems is significantly higher than conventional, which is conducive to plant root water absorption. Due to the sampling point facing the sea, the soil pH value of the two production systems was between 8.08.5, belonging to the alkalinization of slight salinity. Organic soil organic matter in the organic production system was significantly higher than conventional, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen was significantly lower than the conventional one, indicating that the organic production method significantly increased the total nitrogen pool in the soil. The conductivity of organic soil was significantly lower than that of conventional soil, and the cation exchange capacity was significantly higher than conventional. Because the electrical conductivity was positively correlated with soil salt content, the cation exchange capacity was significantly positively correlated with the soil fertility maintenance capacity, indicating that the organic production method was significantly reduced. The salt content of the soil improves the soil's ability to retain fertilizer.

Through the determination of the soil nutrient analyzer, it was found that organic soil was used as a base fertilizer in the fall, as organic fertilizer. The value is the highest, the winter decreases, the spring rises, and the summer falls to the lowest; conventional soil S,. The value continued to decrease after autumn and increased after fertilization in summer, indicating soil nutrients. The value is mainly influenced by temperature, fertilization and crop growth. Organic soil S,. The value was significantly higher than conventional in the four seasons, and there was no significant difference in the yield between the two. It may be that the nutrient provided by the organic production system exceeds the required amount of water peach growth, and there is an excessive application of organic fertilizer. This result is basically consistent with the findings of Song Shiwei and Ge Tiida et al. [281] on melons. Therefore, soil testing and formulating fertilizers for organic production management are equally important.

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