Cogeneration system based on advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage

With the depletion of traditional energy sources, the importance of renewable energy such as wind and solar energy has become increasingly prominent. In the process of developing and utilizing new energy, its own instability has become a major obstacle to energy utilization. The energy storage system is an effective method to solve the above problems. t(8) The outlet gas temperature is: where m is the expansion ratio and is the torrefaction efficiency of the turbine.

8) If the cold user assumes that the air temperature rises from the inlet temperature Tfi to the outlet temperature, and the outlet temperature is assumed to be the ambient temperature, then the process is supplied to the cold user. Because the X and Y are variables, if the heat is returned to the air, More, after expansion, the air temperature may lie at the temperature TV, at this time the system has no refrigeration. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the maximum value of Y when the system has a cold Dong output.

According to 7V = a few, when the turbine outlet temperature = yes, the system has no cooling capacity. Assume that the turbine outlet temperature T6,n,ax=T, according to the expansion ratio of 7Tt, the maximum temperature allowed is 75, which is: the leaving of the cage: the loss of the compressor part is: 2) the heat exchanger 1 enters the exchange The heater 1 is provided by the air, and the leaving is carried away by the water, and then enters the heat exchanger 1: 4) The heat user is associated with the quality of the water due to the heat distribution in the heat storage device, so the distribution of the heat is also It is related to the quality of the water. Taking the ambient temperature as the M indicator, the heat user gets the support: According to the heat conservation, when the Ymax is determined at the heat exchanger 2, the cooling condition of the system can be determined.

Since the energy consumption of the system is only the work cost of the compressor, the power consumption of the compressor part is taken as a measure to define the work efficiency, thermal efficiency and cooling efficiency as follows: the sum of the three is defined as the energy utilization coefficient: 5) the gas storage chamber For the gas storage chamber, only the intake air temperature and the outlet air temperature need to be considered, and the pressure is constant, so the loss is: 6) the heat exchanger 2 enters the heat exchanger 2 and is provided by the hot water, leaving the air belt go. Therefore, the entrapment of the heat exchanger 2 is: the entrapment of the heat exchanger 2: the loss of the heat exchanger 2 is: 1.2 The efficiency of the main components involved in this section is the same as that of Section 1.1.

1) The compressor enters the compressor as input work, and the air leaving the compressor is taken away by the air. Then enter the crowd: 7) The turbine enters the turbine and is brought in by the air: the exiting power is output: (28) the turbine's loss is: tpinrriout.Lx, f, 8) cold user Taking the ambient temperature as the standard of balance M, the amount of cold smoke is: from the perspective of the definition, the work, heat and cold efficiency of the system are as follows: the sum of the three is defined as the total efficiency: according to the formula, the specific parameter value is given. As shown in Table 1.

Table 1 parameters and value l is more than Tiv5 expansion ratio TO5 heat exchanger 1 energy efficiency O0.8 heat exchanger 2 energy efficiency 0.8 compressor isentropic efficiency 0.9 turbine isentropic efficiency Chuan 0.9 air quality M1 air than constant pressure heat capacity Specific heat capacity of cp/.kg-1.K1000 water fWig-lPT14200 specific heat capacity ratio of air 71.4 ambient temperature 7b/K293 ambient pressure Po/Pa100000 According to the parameters in Table 1, the range of variation of x and y is first determined. According to formula (11) and formula (12), Kmax II 1.196 can be obtained, corresponding to the case that the heat stored by the heat accumulator is returned to the air for the thermal charge of 1U times. , combined with (KK < 1, so the system always has refrigeration capacity.

Similarly, the range of variation of X is satisfied (K-CCU CU2.1 system efficiency analysis under the above-mentioned constraints, according to the energy efficiency related parameter formula, get the sum.

It can be seen that as the heat user increases the temperature of the turbine, the turbine output power is reduced due to the decrease in the intake air temperature, and the system cooling capacity is increased due to the decrease in the turbine outlet temperature. According to the figure, the efficiency change curve of the work cooling heat is consistent with the numerical change curve, and the energy utilization coefficient monotonously increases, that is, considering the total M of the output energy sitting, and when X=1, the sum of the energy input and output of the work cooling heat is the largest. It should be noted that when r evaluates the energy efficiency of the energy domain, it only depends on the perspective of the country, and does not consider the inequality of the hot and cold heat grade. Therefore, the hs utilization factor has a large r1.

4 When analyzing from the perspective of possession, according to the parameter expression of the efficiency of the possession, the trend of the change of the parameters can be obtained as shown in the figure.

It can be seen that the r-power v-equivalent is equivalent to the same value of the power-carrying value v in the graph '2, and the same is true for the change in the same efficiency; as the hot user uses the heat M, the system cold address increases and x is compared. In hours, the increase in cold congestion is small, while when 4x is large, the increase in cold ttç…³ is greater. According to the trend of the efficiency of energy cooling and cooling, the trend of energy efficiency is the same. The total efficiency is reduced first and then increased. The maximum value is 77.7%. When X=1, the minimum value is about 72.2%, which appears in X 0.2. Where. The maximum value differs from the minimum value by about 5.5%, which means that when X<0.2, the power efficiency decreases more than the sum of the heat and cold efficiency increases as X increases, and as X continues to increase, the cold There has been a marked increase in the amount of traffic, and the total efficiency has increased. In general, when analyzing the energy variation of the system from the angle of support, the work output of the system is the main body of energy output, the proportion of heat and cold is small, and the specific work is an order of magnitude lower.

Comparing the change trend of the energy utilization coefficient and the total support efficiency, we can find that the change rules of the two are different, which is also because the two open views have different angles of energy analysis. The utilization factor of the child can increase monotonously with the increase of X. Therefore, the larger the X, the more the total output of the system can be. At the same time, the system should avoid the state of the lowest total efficiency when cooling the cogeneration. Small losses. When X=1, the coefficient of utilization of Dong can be the largest, and the system has the largest efficiency.

2.2 System horizontal type comparison As mentioned above, the system's power output model only evaluates the system efficiency from the perspective of maximizing the work power, regardless of the state of the heat boy utilization and the turbine outlet gas in the heat storage device, so the work output model corresponds to; The state point of C=0, and the power efficiency of the system is the same as the energy utilization coefficient and the efficiency of the energy. The system's cogeneration model considers the output of the work cooling heat, and the output characteristics of the system vary with the change of X.

According to the data in Table 2, for the power output model of the system, since the power and the equivalent are equal, the energy utilization coefficient is equal to the holding efficiency, which is 72.4%, and for the cogeneration model, when X=0 At the time, the T system has a certain cold Dong output, the system's energy utilization coefficient increases to 80.8%, and because the cold congestion efficiency is small, only 0.2%, the total system efficiency is 72.6%. The maximum value can be found. For the COO model, when the M grade difference is not considered, the energy utilization factor can be increased from 80.8% to 182.3%, and the total output of the Dong output is greater than the work output model, the lowest is 1.1. The maximum is 2.5 times. When considering the efficiency of the support, the efficiency of the power output model is 0.2% higher than the minimum support efficiency of the cogeneration model, and 5.3% lower than the maximum support efficiency. At the same time, the cogeneration efficiency of the cogeneration model is slightly higher than that of the work output model.

Therefore, from the point of view of the output director, the energy output of the AA-CAES system is always greater than the work output model; when considering the angle of support, the output of the work output model is less than the same. The cogeneration model under the condition, and its holding efficiency is between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the cogeneration efficiency of the cogeneration model.

Table 2 AA-CAES system different models of the effect of string comparison model parameter efficiency value A value work output molding energy utilization factor holding efficiency energy utilization factor holding efficiency cold cogeneration model minimum energy utilization coefficient minimum holding efficiency maximum energy utilization The maximum loss factor of the coefficient 2.3 The commission loss analysis of the system is concentrated in five parts of the compressor, the turbine, the gas storage chamber, the heat exchanger 1 and the heat exchanger 2. According to the parameter formula, the smoke loss of the five components can be obtained. The trend of X is as shown.

It can be seen from the figure (;, except for the heat exchanger 2, the loss of the remaining components is independent of the change of X. The loss of heat at the heat exchanger 2 increases first with the increase of the heat M by the heat user, and then Decrease; the loss of the remaining components is constant. This is because for the turbine, its loss is only related to the expansion ratio, and is independent of the temperature of the inlet air, so its loss is not affected by the X change; The parameters of the heat exchanger 1 and the compressor are independent of X, so the loss is constant; the loss of the gas storage chamber is related to the gas temperature of the inlet and outlet of the gas storage chamber. When the energy efficiency of the heat exchanger 1 is high, the temperature difference is small, so The value of the loss is small and independent of X. The loss of heat exchanger 2 is related to the change of input and output.

The proportion of heat users' heat consumption varies with X, and the proportion of the loss of the components with the loss of the device is the proportion of the total loss, as shown in Table 3. The sum of the losses of the compressor, the turbine and the heat exchanger 1 accounted for 81% of the total reported loss of the system, and the turbine has the largest loss, up to 40%; the gas storage chamber f is in and out of the U temperature difference. There are losses due to the reasons, but the proportion is small; the heat loss of the heat exchanger 2 is large.

Table 3 varies with X, the proportion of loss of different components, system components, compressor, turbine heat exchanger, heat exchanger 2, gas storage chamber, as described above, considering the system from the perspective of loss, when '1x=i, The sum of the five components has the smallest sum of losses, and the total total efficiency of the system is the largest. When X0.2, the sum of the five components has the largest sum, and the total total efficiency of the system is the smallest.

3 Summary 1) The system model of AA-CAES technology applied to cogeneration is proposed. The energy output characteristics of the model are analyzed from the thermodynamic point of view. The variation law of the system output cold and heat is obtained. The use of heat in the heat storage device to control, the correlation between the output weight of the cold and heat electricity and the utilization of the hot Dong is obtained.

The energy output characteristics of the 4 power output model of the AOC-CAES system are analyzed and compared.

For the model adopted in this paper, the total energy output of the former is always large r-the latter, the lowest is about li times, the highest is about 2.5 times; and the output of the former has more r than the same condition, the maximum efficiency ratio The latter is 5.3% higher. Therefore, under the same conditions of energy domain input, the AA-CAES cogeneration system has more energy domain output, which is more efficient and more efficient.

It reveals the correlation between the loss of V system efficiency of components of AA-CAES cogeneration system. Among them, the loss of the T machine, the heat exchanger and the compressor part accounted for the highest total loss of the system! 5%, which is the main part of the system commission loss; the loss of the T-front heat exchanger is the most sensitive to the change of the system heating test, and the volatility is the largest.

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