A construction worker's neck is caught in a rig causing his death

Explosion Proof Rooftop Packaged

Designed for Group II A, IIB, IIC.

Designed for Temperature classes T1-T6.
Designed for Explosive atmosphere Zone1, Zone2.
Designed for petroleum exploitation, refi nery, storage,
chemical, medicine, military facilities, etc.
Effi cient energy saving and low noise.
Single refrigeration type and refrigeration & heating type.

Explosion-proof mark: EXdemib II BT4, EXdemia II CT4.

It is mainly used for some place, where is easy to Flamme and explode, such as chemical enterprises, gas filling stations etc.

Explosion proof rooftop Air Conditioner with sepcial electrophoresis heat exchanger or epoxy resin coating heat exchanger.

With exploded electric parts, such as fans, motors and control box etc.

210kw Explosion Proof Rooftop Air Conditioner

Explosion Proof Rooftop Packaged,Explosion Proof Air Conditioner,Explosion Proof Unitary Rooftop Unit,Explosion Proof Central Air Conditioner

Jinan Amrta Air Conditioning Co.,Ltd , https://www.waterchiller.pl