What is the definition of the common term "mesh" that represents the granularity of the granularity?

Commonly used in the mineral processing industry is the Taylor standard sieve. The Taylor Standard Screen is the name of each sieve in the length of the screen per inch (equal to 25.4 mm) and is divided into 2.5 mesh - 400 mesh.

What is a mesh? That is, the number of mesh holes in the length of each inch of the screen is called a mesh, referred to as "mesh".

For example, there are 200 mesh holes in each inch of screen, and this sieve is called a 200 mesh sieve.

The base sieve is 200 mesh and the sieve ratio is 21⁄2 = 1.414. It is sufficient to use the basic sieve sequence for the general beneficiation product.

Scratch Off Hologram Label Sticker

Scratch off hologram labels are applied over pre-printed information. To reveal the underlying information, use the edge of a coin to scratch off the holographic image. After scratch off the label, it will show the information, such as series number, website or some secret number to enter a website to check the authentic.

Scratch-off holograms can be used instead of traditional grey latex scratch-off panels on telephone top-up cards, discount coupons, etc. Whereas the current grey scratch-off panel and the equipment needed to apply it are rapidly becoming commodities, production of the Alpha holographic scratch-off labels requires a great deal of investment in advanced technologies and a level of know-how which is not easily gained

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