What is a flow meter? What is the use of the flow meter?

What is the tanker, refueling traffic table? Tankers flow meter is used to measure how much oil a thing.

Flow meter is used in the same home, but it is more than a meter pre-empt, in addition to a summary of the count table, there is a temporary count table, such as how many liters of oil a day dosing, the day can be reflected in the temporary counter Come out , if you want to measure from scratch tomorrow , you can also return the temporary counter to zero , or you can record the total number of times without returning zero . Today's total minus yesterday's total is the number of measurements of the day .

The flow can also be pumped into the table , or the tanker product can be pumped out of the table . The table can be forward and reversed . It is a very convenient lunch . This is the function of the tanker flow meter . The flow meter brand has the following manufacturers there Ningbo flow meter, flow meter Hefei, Chongqing flow meter. mass flow meter is better to Chongqing.

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ZHEJIANG FULE MINING MACHINERY CO., LTD , https://www.flmachine.com