Tianrui Instruments and other five new shares are listed today

Tianrui Instrument (300165): The number of shares listed on the market was 14.8 million shares at an issue price of 65 yuan, and the price positioning on the first day was 64-74.14 yuan.

Oriental Guoxin (300166): The number of shares listed was 8.176 million shares, the issue price was 55.36 yuan, and the price positioning on the first day was 56.9 to 63.3 yuan.

Diwei Video (300167): The number of shares listed was 8.92 million shares, the issue price was 51.28 yuan, and the price positioning on the first day was 46.55 yuan to 53.2 yuan.

Wanda Information (300168): The number of shares listed is 24 million shares, the issuance price is 28 yuan, and the price positioning on the first day is 25.6 to 29.2 yuan.

Tianyi New Materials (300169): The number of shares listed was 18.8 million shares, the issuance price was 32 yuan, and the price positioning on the first day was 30-34.27 yuan.

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