A few days ago, the review results of the 2011 China Science and Technology Progress Award for China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation was announced. The Sinopec major equipment localization project designed by the China Petrochemical Engineering Construction Corporation and manufactured by Maoming Gravity Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.—Tianjin 450,000 tons/year polypropylene ( PP) Multi-zone circulating reactor won the second prize for scientific and technological progress. The 450,000-ton/year polypropylene plant in Tianjin uses Basel’s newly developed Spherizone polypropylene technology. Its core equipment, the multi-zone circulating reactor, was first designed and manufactured in China and is also the third in the world. The largest amount of equipment. The device is 65 meters long and weighs 486 tons. The maximum wall thickness is 128 millimeters. The design and manufacture of some key points are all world problems. With the strong support of Sinopec Engineering Construction Company and Sinopec Tianjin Branch, Maoming Gravity Petrochemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. successfully completed the manufacturing task of a 450,000 tonne/year polypropylene multi-zone circulating reactor in Tianjin, and obtained Basel at the same time. The inspector of the patent company highly evaluated and successfully installed the car at one time. It is reported that the Gravity Company started to manufacture PP (PE) reactors domestically since the 1990s. It has been more than 10 years old and has obtained a number of patented technologies. The first domestic-made polypropylene loop reactor was manufactured by the company and ended the history of the polypropylene loop reactors all relying on imports. At present, the company’s domestic market share of loop reactors has reached more than 90%. In addition to loop reactors and multi-zone circulating reactors, the company also successfully mastered the high-density polyethylene loop reactors using the INEOS process and the gas-phase reactor manufacturing technology of the UIPOL process. The manufacturing standards can also be comparable. Finishing Machine,Surface Finishing Machine,Wood Finishing Machine,Barrel Polishing Machine HESHAN CITY HONGFA COMPLETE SOLUTIONS MACHINE LTD. , https://www.hshongfamachine.com
Tianjin 450,000-ton/year Polypropylene Multi-zone Circulation Reactor Receives Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress