Three new practical centrifugal concentrators

    1. Falcon centrifugal concentrator This is a vertical centrifuge with a height of about twice the diameter of the sorting drum. Figure 1 is a Falcon B centrifugal concentrator. Schematic. After the ore is introduced into the bottom of the rotating drum at a high speed, the impeller in the drum distributes the slurry evenly to the wall of the cylinder. Under the centrifugal action of 300 times gravity acceleration, the heavy ore particles settle on the wall of the barrel, and the light ore particles are discharged out of the drum together with the water stream. There are two ways to remove the concentrate: batch and continuous. The Falcon B-type centrifuge uses intermittent discharge concentrate, which means that the concentrate is flushed from the drum to the bottom of the cylinder after shutdown, and then discharged by the hollow main shaft. The Falcon C-type centrifuge is a continuous discharge, that is, the concentrate is continuously discharged to the outside of the drum by a series of planar integral flow storage tanks, pinch valves and discharge ports. Type B machines are suitable for fines recovery requiring low yields. For example, recovery of fine-grained monomer gold and tailings sweeping. The C-type machine is suitable for rough selection of fine-grained gold, selection of fine-grained coal , and recovery of iron and tin fine mud. At present, the largest C40 centrifuge has a solids handling capacity of up to 200 t/h and a feed size of less than 20 mesh.
2. Knelson centrifugal concentrator This equipment was used in the Canadian industry in 1980. The sorting mechanism consists of two vertical concentric drums. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the structure of the inner and outer drums and the fluidized water (reverse flushing) water supply system. The outer drum is a stainless steel cylinder. The main function is to form a sealed water jacket with the inner drum and to drive the inner drum to rotate. The inner drum is a plastic cone sorter with a half taper of 15 degrees. The inner side is composed of several turns and multiple strips. Between each of the two loops, there is a circle of tangential water inlet holes arranged at regular intervals. .
The sorting principle of the Kenneth centrifugal concentrator is based on the difference in centrifugal force acting on the ore particles and on the other hand based on the loosening of the fluidization of the recoil.
When the Kenneth Centrifuge is working, the inner surface of the inner drum can reach 60 times the acceleration of gravity. After the gold-containing slurry enters the bottom of the rotating inner drum, it is thrown by the centrifugal force to the inner wall of the drum. At the same time, the recoil water flows from the water jacket between the inner and outer drums through the water inlet hole on the inner wall, so that the ore layer trapped between the outer and outer loops is loose or fluidized, and under the combined action of centrifugal force and recoil, the single Body gold or gold-bearing heavy minerals can overcome the radial resistance of the recoil and centrifugally settle or penetrate into the concentrate bed. Because the centrifugal force of the gangue is small, it is difficult to overcome the action of the recoil. As a result, the axial force of the axial flow and the axial component of the centrifugal force act together to unscrew the inner drum and become the tailings. The sorting period of the centrifuge depends on the nature of the ore supply, the vein mine is generally 4 to 10 hours, and the ore deposit is 8 to 24 hours. Concentrates enriched between the comebacks can be discharged intermittently or continuously into the concentrate tank. Intermittent concentrates are achieved by manual flushing or automatic control after shutdown. Manual rinsing takes about 10 minutes, and automatic control rinsing takes about 2 minutes. Continuous concentrate discharge is actually achieved by a variable extraction header assembly mounted outside the inner drum. Figure 3 is a schematic of a Kennison centrifuge with a 30 cm variable discharge concentrate. There are currently six specifications of Kenneth Centrifuges for industrial use. The minimum size is 7.5cm. The maximum is 120cm, and the solid processing capacity can reach l00t/h.
Thanks to its excellent performance, the Kenneth Centrifugal Separator has been widely used in many new and existing gold plants. By 1998, the centrifuge had been used in more than 70 countries and the total number of installations had reached 1,200. Half of Australia's gold plants use the Kennedy centrifugal concentrator.
3. SuperBowl centrifugal concentrator This equipment is a new centrifugal concentrator developed and produced by Falcon Gold Concentra-tors, Inc. of Canada. Figure 4 is a structural view of a SB4 type SuperBowl centrifugal concentrator. The main core of the machine is a vertical plastic inner drum. The lower part has an inverted cone shape and the inner wall is smooth. The upper part consists of two toroidal grooves. A small hole of water is evenly drilled in the bottom of the tank to allow the recoil to enter the loose (fluidized) concentrate bed in the tank. The device is available in two speeds (by replacing the motor pulley) to produce centrifugal accelerations equivalent to 120x and 200x gravitational acceleration.
After the ore slurry is introduced into the inner drum, the heavy minerals are rapidly centrifugally settled in the lower half of the drum, and some of them move upward into the return tank, and the backwash water loosens and selects the minerals in the tank. Light minerals are washed out of the drum and become tailings due to their small centrifugal force. Finally, during the interval of shutdown and interruption of the feed water supply, the inner drum is removed and the concentrate is flushed into the concentrate tank. For the large ultra-rotary centrifuge, the concentrate is flushed by a set of embedded spray headers. In the concentrate tank.
Currently, there are four specifications for commercially available ultra-rotary centrifuges. Because the centrifuge can recover monomer gold well under high ore conditions, it has been sold to 12 countries in the world for rough gold selection, gold recovery in grinding circuits, and fine concentrate selection. And used in mineral processing tests.
    figure 1   figure 2   image 3    Figure 4

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