This year rubber market started well

In 2007, the Chinese rubber market started well. The main performance is the substantial increase in new resources, consumer demand is still strong, and the market price has stabilized. It is expected that after the early rebound, the rubber market will go down. From the perspective of the whole year, due to the loose supply and demand trend, the end of the global super bull market, and the continued appreciation of the renminbi, the rise in rubber prices may end for several years. After the second half of the year, this trend will become even more pronounced with the arrival of rubber seasons at home and abroad.

Significant increase in new resources This year began, the country's new rubber resources show a substantial growth. According to estimates by the Chinese rubber monitoring and early warning system, the country's new rubber resources in January were about 420,000 tons, an increase of 31.8% over the same period of last year, and the level of growth was greatly increased. In January's new rubber resource structure, the new natural rubber resources amounted to about 150,000 tons, an increase of 34% over the same period of last year. The new synthetic rubber resources amounted to 270,000 tons, an increase of 26.7%. All production areas in the country were stopped in January and there was no production of natural rubber. It is expected that the output of synthetic rubber will remain at the level of the previous year, which is approximately 150,000 tons, a certain increase over the same period of last year. Rubber imports increased significantly in January. According to customs statistics, in January 2007, the total amount of rubber imports was 258,500 tons, a slight increase from the previous month, an increase of 29% over the same period of last year, and the growth momentum was relatively strong. In the composition of rubber imports in January, the import volume of natural rubber was 150,000 tons, an increase of 33.9% compared with the same period of last year; the import of synthetic rubber was 108,500 tons, an increase of 22.2%.

The consumption intensity is still strong After entering the new year, various macro indicators have been operating well. Tire and other rubber products have maintained a relatively high level of growth. The demand for rubber consumption remains strong. It is expected that the nation’s tire production in January will be no less than 32 million, an increase of more than 15% year-on-year. Based on this calculation, the consumption of all types of rubber in January exceeded 350,000 tons, which is a much larger increase than the same period of last year.

The market price stopped falling and rebounded. Since the beginning of this year, the rubber prices in the country have been rising and falling, mainly due to the operational cycle of the commodity market and the stoppage of production areas. According to calculations, the average spot price of national natural rubber (SCR5) in the country's sales areas was 1,928 yuan/ton in January, a 12% increase from December last year and a year-on-year increase of 7%. Since the beginning of the new year, the world's crude oil prices have been turbulent, sticking to the $50/barrel price, and returning to US$60/barrel for many times, and due to the rebound in natural rubber prices, they have jointly promoted the rise of the national synthetic rubber market in January. The average ton price of the styrene-butadiene rubber sales area was 17,340 yuan, up 2.7% from the previous month; the price of butadiene-butadiene rubber was 16,968 yuan, up 8.6%, but the gain was obviously weaker than natural rubber.

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