The United States promises not to impose tariffs. China promises to import a large amount.

From January 7 to 9, the US official delegation held talks with Chinese officials in Beijing. The United States has pledged not to impose tariffs, and the two sides have gradually cancelled both sides; China has promised a large number of imports, mainly agriculture and energy, with the goal of achieving a basic trade balance within two years.

1. The US issued a statement.

2. China is committed to a large number of imports, mainly agriculture and energy. The goal is to achieve a basic trade balance within two years. It is possible to take into account the US trade surplus, but the US executive power is doubtful.

3. The EU has already voiced out that the Sino-US negotiations have distort the market and hurt the EU, because the Chinese market has given the United States, and the EU is less.

4. The United States is committed to increasing high-tech exports. China has increased legislation and efforts to protect intellectual property rights and does not allow compulsory technology transfer. China has increased its openness to finance.

5. The United States is committed to no longer impose tariffs. The two parties that have already been added are gradually canceled in both directions.

From January 7th to 9th, an official US delegation led by US Deputy Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish held talks with Chinese officials in Beijing to discuss how to achieve fairness in trade relations between the two countries. Reciprocity and balance. Officials also discussed the need for full implementation of the agreements, and the implementation must be continuously verified and effectively enforced. The talks are part of a consensus between the President and the President in Buenos Aires. The two leaders agreed to negotiate within 90 days to achieve China’s compulsory technology transfer, intellectual property protection, non-tariff barriers, cyber attacks and The network for commercial purposes steals the necessary structural changes in the issues of trade secrets, services, and agriculture. The talks also focused on China's commitment to buying large quantities of agricultural products, energy, manufactured goods and other products and services from the United States. US officials conveyed President Trump's determination to resolve our continuing trade deficit and structural problems to improve trade between the two countries.

The US delegation will now report on the talks to get guidance on the next steps.

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