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Fertilizing amount and fertilizer proportion are two important factors for crop fertilization. Reasonable fertilization is to determine a reasonable amount of fertilizer and proportion of fertilization due to the soil-based crop, so that the soil nutrients can be used effectively, the potential for soil yield increase can be maximized, and high yield, high efficiency and improved agricultural products can be achieved. The purpose of quality is to understand the changes in soil nutrients by using soil testers to understand changes in nutrients in hot soils.
Comparing the two groups of experiments, the first group is mainly to apply nutrients to the soil by applying organic matter, while the other group uses inorganic fertilizer to supplement nutrients by using soil NPK. Measurements by the detectors revealed that nutrients in soils with organic matter fertilizers are relatively large, and when inorganic materials are used, soil nutrients are more abundant in the soil immediately after the application, but in those The changes in nutrients after rapid raining are rapid, and the use of inorganic fertilizers can only meet the nutrient requirements of the crops in a conscious manner, and cannot be used to change the nutrient content of the crops. When inorganic fertilizers are used to mobilize the nutrients, the dissolution of nutrients is compared. The slowness affects the absorption of nutrients, but when the nutrients are added, the nature of the soil is changed in a proper way.
By using a soil fertiliser tester to measure changes in nutrients in the soil and comparing it with the crop yields, the following figure shows the relationship between fertilizing amount and yield:
The more fertilizer is applied, the higher the output?
The more fertilizer is applied, the higher the output?