GB 13456--92 Replace GB 4911--85 wastewater part and GB 8978--88 steel industry portion (Approved by the National Environmental Protection Agency on May 18, 1992, implemented on July 1, 1992) To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of People's Republic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention Law of People's Republic of China", "Marine Environmental Protection Law of People's Republic of China" to promote the progress of the production process and pollution control technology, prevention and control of water pollution, the development of this standard. 1 Subject content and scope of application 1.1 Subject content This standard is in accordance with the production process and wastewater discharge destination, at age requirement of tons of iron and steel enterprises waste products and emissions of major pollutants maximum emission concentration. 1.2 Scope of use This standard is used for enterprise emission management in the steel industry, as well as environmental impact assessment, design, completion acceptance of construction projects and emission management after completion. 2 Reference standard GB 3097 seawater quality standard GB 3838 Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard GB 4918 Industrial wastewater - Determination of total nitro compounds - Spectrophotometric method GB 4919 Determination of total nitro compounds in industrial wastewater - Gas chromatography GB 6920 Determination of pH of water - Glass electrode method GB 7467 Water hexavalent chromium concentrations Diphenylcarbazide dihydrazide Spectrophotometry Determination of Water 7472 Zinc dithizone spectrophotometry GB GB 7475 Water quality copper, zinc, lead, cadmium Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry GB 7478 Determination of ammonium in water - Distillation and titration GB 7479 Determination of ammonium water - Nessler reagent colorimetric method GB 7481 Determination of ammonium water - Salicylic acid spectrophotometric method GB 7487 Determination of Water cyanide Part 2: Determination of cyanide GB 7490 Determination of volatile phenols in water - 4-Aminoantipyrine spectrophotometric method after distillation After distillation of volatile phenol GB 7491 Water Capacity Method Bromide GB 8978 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB 11901 Determination of suspended solids by weight method GB 11914 Determination of chemical oxygen demand in water - Dichromate method 3 Technical content 3.1 Process Classification This standard is divided into 8 categories and 15 categories according to the steel industry production industry and combined with the production products: . a mineral selected from: reselection and magnetic (not including flotation plant); b. sintering : sintering and pellets; c. Coking: coking plants including chemical products; . d iron: iron plant (P refers to iron); e. Steelmaking : converter steelmaking and electric furnace steelmaking; Strontium Sulfate,Strontium Sulfate Powder,White Crystal Strontium Sulfate,High Purity Strontium Nitrate Vietnam Fine Chemical Factory ,
Steel industry water pollutant emission industry standard