Sincere era launch maag-JCtimes gear pump

Technological innovation brings great benefits to the enterprise

Sincere Times Group and the well-known Swiss gear pump manufacturer maag pump systems (maag pump systems) jointly launched the maag-JCtimes melt gear pump

At present, the maag-JCtimes melt gear pump, jointly launched by the largest extrusion flathead manufacturer in China and the renowned Swiss manufacturer of gear pumps, maag-JCtimes, is being brought to market.

maag-JCtimes gear pump inherited the Swiss Seiko technology, widely used in plastic sheet sheet, film, pipe extrusion production, can effectively eliminate the pulsation of the extruder fluctuations, thereby enhancing the dimensional stability of the product and reduce loss.

maag-JCtimes gear pump continuous meshing to increase the meshing of teeth, the material is sustained and smooth extrusion to eliminate pressure fluctuations. The smaller the melt pressure fluctuations, the thickness of the product will be more uniform and stable.

The use of maag-JCtimes gear pump, the extruder can be more effective and faster than the parameters of the normal and stable values, thus reducing the consumption of raw materials and improve efficiency. At the same time, the maximum pressure fluctuation in the extruder is behind the pump, which can reduce the pressure inside the extruder, the shear strength of the melt decreases, the temperature curve is gentle, and the temperature decreases.

After several years of operation of the extruder, the internal screw and the barrel will have a great deal of wear and tear, resulting in the gap is too large, the return of the melt will increase, the output will be affected by this decrease . The use of the maag-JCx gear pump reduces backflow and energy consumption, which means that the throughput of the extruder can be maximized over time.

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