Sewage car maintenance tips

The main function of the sewage suction truck is to suck sewage and suck dirt. The work content is very important. Without the help of the sewage suction truck, the sewage in the city is difficult to dispose of. In order to allow the sewage suction truck to maintain its normal working condition for a long time, it is necessary to be able to perform proper maintenance on the sewage suction truck so that it can perform its normal work well and extend its life. Then, what are the tips for the maintenance of sewage suction vehicles? The following Xiaobian teaches you some maintenance tips for sewage suction trucks.


Sewage car maintenance tips:

1, always check the engine's oil. Sewage suction truck parked on a flat surface, and then take out the vernier to check the amount of engine oil, when the number of oil is in the

Within the range of (F) and (L) markings, then its oil value is normal; if its oil value is less than (L), it is necessary to add the corresponding model oil to the engine, but it reminds The increase in oil must be below (F) and not exceed (F).

2, the tank must be full. If the fuel tank is not full, it will cause the upper part of the fuel pump to fail to cool, and the heat burn will need to be replaced. A small fuel pump will cost several hundred dollars.

3, lubricating oil can be replaced regularly. Suction truck driving mileage of more than 5,000 kilometers will need to change the lubricating oil, in the selection of lubricating oil, some owners will look at its price, in fact, according to the actual needs of the engine to select the appropriate type of lubricant, so it played The effect will be better.

4, the filter should also be replaced regularly. The filter on the engine will affect the quality of use of the lubricant and the purpose of use, but also need to replace it regularly.

5, the tire gas can not be filled with full, it is necessary to regularly check the tire pressure above it, it is recommended that the tire pressure examination as far as possible arrangements for the morning.

What are the tips and tricks of the Sewage Cart Maintenance? In addition to paying more attention to the maintenance during the daily use, the Sew Truck owner must also be able to drive the Sewage Pump to the appropriate maintenance point. Professionals are requested to complete the relevant technologies and accessories. Specific maintenance work.

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