Screeny program helps you to easily delete screenshots

One of the smart features of the Apple iPhone is that it requires only two buttons to be pressed to take screenshots of the device. Screenshots are used in many situations every day, like wanting a social media to share images on a website. The problem is that these screenshots are sorted in the camera roll in iOS. This screenshot makes the user's camera roll look messy. There is a screenshot software called Screeny. The application is priced at $0.99. The app can make deleting screenshots a breeze.
The user only needs to open the application, click Scan your camera roll, and then select the screenshot you want to delete. Screeny will let you know how much space will be restored on your phone. If the Screeny program provides automatic deletion of the screenshot after a certain period of time, it will be better. Currently Screeny is unlikely to have this feature until iOS 8 gives developers the ability to delete photos. Deleting screenshots is a rather small concern, but we are still very grateful. Sometimes the simplest and most practical tools make us happiest.

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