1 Overview In the Roaguylei deposit, there are malachite and chrysocolla in the oxidized ore, and chalcopyrite and porphyrite in the sulphide ore. The dissolution of the sulfide minerals is slow in each operation. After the copper ore is freed from 50% of its copper content, it is first converted into copper blue, and then the copper blue is decomposed by the solution. The copper ore is converted to a chalcopyrite, followed by a chalcopyrite. The chalcopyrite is virtually unchanged, and the chalcopyrite continues to dissolve as 40% of the copper in the bauxite is released. [next] Beverage Bottle,Pet Beverage Bottle,Plastic Beverage Bottle,Disposable Plastic Bottle Jiangsu Fantasy Packaging New Material Co., Ltd. , https://www.jiangsufantasypack.com
Pudahuel Minerals is located 30 kilometers west of Santiago, Chile, with the San Diego-Valparaiso highway passing through mines and mining areas. The mine has a maximum temperature of only 35 ° C, a minimum of -4 ° C and an annual rainfall of 300 mm. Valparaiso, 100 km northwest, is the main port of Chile.
At the end of 1980, Puda Wheeler Minerals Co., Ltd. (SMP) had a new project for the injection of $70 million in copper , including an open pit mine, thin layer leaching (TL), solvent extraction (SX) and electrolysis (EW). ).
After SMP acquired the ownership of the copper mine, McGee was hired to conduct a feasibility study in 1970, which was considered to be highly profitable. After (Hazen) Research by the black by modifying the original process and developed a new metallurgical program, using leaching - solvent extraction and electrolysis is very satisfactory and economic processes. SMP, Holles and Narfer reached an agreement to sign contracts for design, operation, construction management and commissioning. The daily processing capacity is 2,500 tons.
In the middle of 1979, the preliminary design was completed, civil engineering began in February 1979, and the stripping of the mine was underway. The mine needs to initially strip 2 million tons of topsoil, and the stripping ratio will remain around 3.26:1 within 12 years of production. The ore is transported by road, about 15 kilometers away, and the road slope is up to 8%.
2 Mineral deposits and ore properties The Roaguyray mine is irregular in shape and is about 600 meters long, 200 meters wide and 150 meters thick. The ore outcrop is in the south. The upper part of the ore body is oxidized, mainly fine-grained malachite. Deep zone sulfide, predominantly chalcocite and bornite, covellite, a small amount of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The middle zone is a mixed copper oxide ore and copper sulfide ore. The mineral structure is dense and hard.
The final size of the crushed ore is 6 mm and then sent to hydrometallurgy. The flow is shown in the figure below.
3 thin layer leaching
The "TL" leaching process is suitable for the treatment of certain copper deposits, especially small and medium sized oxidized ores. Leaching is the mixing of finely divided ore with concentrated sulfuric acid and then sent to an acidified reactor where it is acidified into a thin layer and leached with water or weak acid.
The stages of the process are: 1) crushing the ore to 6 mm; 2) stirring the ore and acid; 3) stacking the ore into a 2 m high layer after acidification for a few hours; 4) using SX Residual liquid spray washing; 5) Natural discharge of ore-rich liquid; 6) Stacking and processing tailings; 7) Enrichment and recovery of copper by SX-EW operation.
The semi-industrial tests conducted for the Roaguyray project show that the copper recovery in the oxidized ore is 90-95% and the copper recovery in the sulphide ore is 40-60%. [next]
Puda Whale copper leaching-extraction-electrowinning process
The treated ore is transported to 4 acidified reactors for 24 hours, during which time the oxide is intermittently converted to crystalline copper sulfate by acid. In this operation, about 60-70% of the oxide is converted.
Each leaching station processes about 1,700 tons of ore, and the leaching period is 12 days. The leached residue is transported to the tailings pile by belt.
The length of the leaching cycle is related to the amount of sulfide in the ore and the consumption of sulfuric acid in the chemical angle (1.5 kg of acid per kg of precipitated copper). As a result of the acidification, the copper oxide is quickly extracted within a few hours, and the dissolution of a solution containing a total amount of total iron (about 30 g/liter) and iron trioxide (7-8 g/liter) is the key to decomposing the sulfide. During the leaching process, the resulting rich liquid has a pH of about 2.
4 extraction process
For the Roaguyray ore, secondary extraction and secondary stripping will be used. The extractant is Lix-64N patented agent. This agent has been used in several factories around the world for many years.
The leaching-extraction-electrowinning (TI-SX-EW) process has a low acid consumption of about 2 kg of acid per kg of copper. Due to acid recycling, the acid consumption of the electrolytic cell is low.
Selective extraction leachate oxime (Lix type) diluting oil with coal.
The plant itself has five mixing-precipitation tanks, three for extraction and two for stripping. The equipment is made of stainless steel-coated concrete with a length of 29 meters, a width of 12 meters and a height of 1.2 meters. The shape of the mixing groove is elongated, replacing the conventional cylindrical or cubic shape.
The storage tank, feed pump and connecting pipe are made of stainless steel, and the mixing-sinking tank has a complete automatic system. The leachate or raffinate (10.5 g/l copper and 3 g/l acid) was sent to the electrolysis plant.
5 Electrolysis The plant has 64 electrolyzers, each with 64 lead -calcium alloy anodes. The cell has a current density of 240 amps/ m2 and an energy consumption of 1.95 to 1.99 kWh/kg of precipitated copper. There are three 2,500 kW rectifiers that supply the electricity needed for electrolysis, and the other ancillary facilities are 5 ton cranes. The planned production capacity of the electrolysis plant is 47.5 tons of cathode copper per day, with a total annual output of 17,000 tons.
6 working system
The mine works 6 days a week, 2 shifts a day, 8 hours per shift, and slightly more than 3,000 tons per day (reserved 250,000 tons). The leaching factory operates three shifts, working seven days a week, with a production capacity of 2,500 tons / day.
Pudahhuier Copper Ore Plant (Chile)