"New human" robotic technology has evolved into a large-scale industry has become inevitable

According to CNBC’s recently reported financial report from JuniperResearch, the UK market research organization, one out of 25 U.S. households currently owns robots. It is estimated that by 2020, 1 out of every 10 U.S. households will have a robot. robot. According to reports, the warning that the robots will eventually destroy humans may be only a section of science fiction. The reality is that more and more machines are starting to do what humans do. It is expected that within 4 years, many American families will have their own robots.

Juniper Research made it clear that robots do not necessarily have a human appearance, but they have the ability to be more suitable for specific tasks. The research company also defines its own robot as an "autonomous, mobile electromechanical machine, programmable and reprogrammable for home or non-commercial use. It is to some extent aware of its environment and respond. ”

Unlike what we imagined to cook for us or drive for us, the work it initially assumed was not surprising. Juniper Research said that robots will “open up a new era of housekeeping”, such as Roomba, a vacuum-shaped vacuum robot, and Sprinkler, a robot developed by Droplet Robotics and responsible for garden sprinkler work.

However, it is reported that many companies are still developing humanoid robots that can interact with people. The humanoid robot Pepper of Japan’s largest software vendor, Soft Bank, is one of the most popular today, but Juniper Research claims that this technology has not yet reached a level of maturity.

Juniper Research said: “Although the performance of sophisticated robots such as the SoftBank Pepper has improved, it has significant limitations at the current level of technology. Therefore, in order to meet consumer expectations, we need more intelligent and more perceptive robots. ."

Research by Bank of America Merrill Lynch shows that robotics technology may evolve into a large-scale industry, with a total value of 153 billion U.S. dollars by 2020. However, with the development of the robotics industry, various circles have also issued warnings. For example, Tesla Motors' owner Elon Musk and physicist Stephen Hawking have warned that artificial intelligence may cause harm.

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