National 4 5 tons sprinkler parameters and prices

Vehicle Model CLW5073GSS4 Sprinkler
Chassis type DFA1070SJ35D6
Rated load capacity 4020,3955
Service quality 3150
Total quality 7300
Dimensions (mm) 5990×1960×2380
Tank size (mm) 3400×1600×1100
Tank volume (m3) 5
Shaft distance (mm) 3300
Engine Type CY4102-CE4F
Emission Standard Diesel Country IV Power/Displacement 73/3856
Manufacturer Dongfeng Chaoyang Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Maximum speed (km/h) 90
Cab flat
Front track 1506, 1404
Rear track 1466, 1458
Leaf spring 6/8+4
Previous 1032
After hanging 1513
Number of tires 6
Tire specifications 7.00-16

Full vehicle discount price: Lu Wanyi Wu Hao round (Â¥ 63500) tax from the price increase

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