Mexico Recycling Tire New Economy and Environmental Protection

According to media reports here, the National Autonomous University of Mexico recently issued a report saying that researchers have invented an economical and environmentally friendly method of recycling tires. In this way, raw materials for the manufacture of new tires and other products can be obtained.
The report pointed out that Russian scientist Mikhail Telenkopache and Mexican scientist Serena Gutierrez Flores created a chemical that can extract rubber from old tires. method. When put into industrial production, it is likely to eradicate all waste tire dumps.
Tires consist of rubber, steel, nylon and carbon. The new method first uses a refrigeration technology to treat tires with liquid nitrogen at minus 120 degrees Celsius. The various ingredients are then decomposed to extract the rubber from the tire.
Russian scientists say that with this technology, on the one hand, rubber can be obtained for the reconstruction of new tires. On the other hand, soluble liquid hydrocarbons can be extracted, which can be used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, heavy oil additives and gasoline feedstocks.
Since catalysts that can be reused many times are easy to obtain and work well, this method is less costly than other technologies. In addition, this technology will not cause pollution. At present, this technology has been successful in the laboratory and is expected to be put into production within one year.


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