Maximize the efficiency of RF instruments and ensure more accurate measurement results

How to get the most reliable RF measurements and maximize the effectiveness of RF instruments? It is necessary to perform the best method in the RF measurement process to make the measurement result more accurate.

1, understand the terminology, the instrument can reliably detect the smallest change is called the resolution, under the same conditions multiple times the same measurement to obtain the same result is called the repeatability, the lack of accurate measurement of the value of the Part of the quantization is called uncertainty. The ability of the instrument to measure the actual/absolute value of a parameter within a certain error range is called accuracy.

2. Understand the device under test because the performance of the device under test affects RF measurements. In order to avoid the effect of temperature, etc., on the stability and repeatability, it is best to be at a stable temperature during RF measurements to minimize the measurement error caused by temperature drift. At the same time, proper warm-up time, etc. are needed to ensure temperature stability.

3, active devices may cause heat due to high power, such as downstream components may be heated, resulting in harmonics or noise and other effects. These will affect the accuracy of RF measurements, so a full understanding of the device itself, its mode of operation, and its effect on RF measurement parameters should be performed before the device is tested.

4. Identify the areas of uncertainty during the measurement, as well as the key operating specifications of the instrument and the device under test, such as matching, frequency response, noise figure, and power.

5. Pay attention to the effects of cooling, harmonics, excitation, and other nonlinear behavior on measurement errors.

6. The quality and repetitiveness of attached connections and components in the test device's test system also need attention, such as cables, switches, attenuators, connectors, sockets, adapters, and accessories, to ensure maximum efficiency of the RF instrument.

7. A good measurement method, properly clean and store cables, connectors, and adapters, minimize the use of adapters, and ensure that torque wrenches and connection specifications are used routinely to minimize heat transfer. Take correct electrostatic discharge (ESD) practices.

8. Select the appropriate tool for the job. For example, RF power is the only quantity to be measured. Using a RF power meter will be better than a vector signal analyzer. Scalar instruments only measure amplitude (amplitude) while vector instruments measure amplitude and phase.

9, there are many factors that affect the performance of RF measurement, including the entire design, verification, testing and manufacturing processes. The process is important for obtaining and implementing good RF methods, developing processes, and improving the quality of RF measurements.

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