Enramycin 4% & 8% is a kind of polypeptide antibiotics which has a strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Clostridium, and inhibits the development of major pathogens of the gut flora. Enramycin rarely induces resistance and no cross-resistance with existing antibiotics has been observed. Adding enramycin into animals` feeds can obviously increase weight gain, improve feeds conservation efficiency.
Enramycin Premix 4%,Enramycin Premix,Growth Promoters Feed Premix ,8% Enramycin Powder shijiazhuang yihe-chem co.,ltd , https://www.yihe-chem.com
The two companies have already carried out the first phase of related projects from 2004 to 2014 and are waiting for the European Union (EU) “Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) (EU Scientific Research Innovation Program) for this follow-up project. )"license.
The project aims to develop a marine "Fuel-Flexible" engine optimized for the navigation environment. Related projects divide the research and development field into four, namely ▲WPG (Work Package Group) 1-Fuel-Flexible engine field, ▲WPG2 – new field for engine application, ▲WPG3-lifetime performance (power plant) adjustment Power Plant generator Field, ▲WPG 4 - Engine area targeting zero-emissions of pollutants.
In addition to the two companies, there are budgetary allocations of 63% and 37% respectively.
MAN-Wartsila conducts the "HERCULES-2" project