Lidar Ranging Sensors Drive Safety When Rising Light Is Low

According to ZDNet, a commercial technology news site, the LiDAR, developed by Ford Motor Company, helps owners drive safely in dark, dark night without fear of daring headlights.

Ford Lidar Ranging Sensor Improves driving safety when light is low

Ford has completed testing of Fusion autonomous vehicles equipped with lidar range sensors in Arizona, U.S.A., and said that the Ford Fusion hybrid could already "exceed the limits of human drivers," and be safer than driving a human driver in the dark The index is higher.

Google revealed a few years ago plans to develop autonomous driving cars plan, and now the global automotive and technology companies are exploring this huge market prospects. At this stage of the car has been equipped with reversing camera, constant speed manipulator and sensor. As we get closer to the obstacles, these devices will prompt us to stay away from danger, but autonomous vehicles are much more advanced. According to Google and other companies, the purpose of autonomous vehicles is to reduce human error in driving and thus reduce the number of accidents and casualties. However, in addition to considering the possibility of drivers colliding during the day with careless driving, developers should also consider how to make autonomous vehicles safer to operate under low light and adverse weather conditions, so that autonomous vehicles will be worthy of the name.

It is extremely common to have poor lighting, but sometimes it can have fatal consequences. Last week, Ford revealed it was focusing on improving the safety of driving a vehicle in low-light conditions. Ford's self-driving cars rely mainly on three types of sensors - radar, cameras and lidar range sensors - to detect roads, obstructions and track the location of vehicles. Laser technology emits about 2.8 million laser pulses in a second, allowing the car to have complete sensor functionality in any external condition. Autonomous cars can use this data to generate 3D maps of their surroundings. In testing the technology, Ford engineers used night vision goggles and watched the Ford Fusion inside the car. They said the Fusion car could rely on LiDAR technology to ride the dark twists and turns without any headlights, with no accident.

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