Insufficient tire pressure in summer will directly affect vehicle fuel consumption

Summer heat, many owners will moderately reduce the tire pressure, in order to reduce the risk of tire puncture at high temperatures. According to the survey, if the tire pressure is insufficient, it will directly affect vehicle fuel consumption. According to the Dongfeng franchise after-sales technical personnel, the proper tire pressure can not only save fuel, but also to avoid the risk of puncture.

The large-scale tire company announced that a group of inspection reports on more than 1.28 million vehicles in the nine major cities in China had a tire pressure of 23%. A study recently published by the United States showed that when a vehicle is driven while the tire pressure is insufficient, the risk of accidents will increase by a factor of two. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, fuel consumption is even lower when the tire pressure is maintained at an appropriate level, and the mileage of the vehicle will increase by 3.3%.

Automobile specialists recommend that summer temperature is greatly affected, and tire pressure is recommended to maintain 2.3 kgf/cm2 (2.3 kgf/cm2). In winter, the tire pressure can be appropriately increased. It is recommended that the tire pressure be maintained at about 2.5 kgf/cm2 (2.5 kg force per square centimeter). After the maintenance point is filled with the proper gas, the owner is better to discern the status of the empty tires carefully and use the car in peacetime to pay close attention to observing the tire changes.

If the owner needs to add nitrogen, it is recommended to go to a large repair shop. In contrast, nitrogen is an inert gas. It is non-flammable and has good thermal stability. All nitrogen is indeed better than air. However, vacuum is required before adding nitrogen. Affected by the equipment, ordinary repair shop equipment may not be able to do so. In fact, the original nitrogen content in the air has reached 78%. The role of nitrogen can still be limited, so owners do not have to superstitiously believe in nitrogen.

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