India's tire production increased sharply in November

Comprehensive media January 15 news, India's tire production in November increased by 10%, rubber consumption increased. Truck and bus tire production, which account for the majority of rubber consumption in the country, increased by 6%. Bus tire production increased by 14%.

According to data from the Association of Automobile Tire Manufacturers, the production of jeep tires increased by 33%, but the total output was not outstanding. The production volume of light commercial vehicle tires has steadily increased to 10%. The production of scooters tires increased significantly by 22%, and the total output increased significantly. However, due to the small size of the scooters, it only accounts for a very small part of the country's total rubber consumption.

India’s rubber consumption increased by 5.1% in November last year, while output fell slightly by 4.3%. However, there was an excess of rubber production in the country during the month. With the arrival of the Indian rubber plantation slump season, consumption is expected to exceed production in the coming months. This became apparent in December, and rubber production in December was less than total consumption.

Mr N Radhakrishnan, an adviser to the Cochin Rubber Traders Association, said that the country's small-scale rubber growers need more improvement. When referring to large-scale planting companies such as Harrisons Malayalam and Aspinwal, he stated that their productivity has exceeded 2,000 kilograms per hectare, while the productivity of small growers is still about 1,500 kilograms per hectare.

Mr Radhakrishnan said that planting companies have achieved their production targets through scientific planting and increasing plantings per hectare, but small growers still need to be improved. Small-scale growers account for nearly 85% of India's total rubber production.

Given the high price of rubber, small growers are still opposed to stopping tapping and replanting old rubber trees. As a result, productivity has continued to decline.

The increase in natural rubber production in the current fiscal year was satisfactory. However, Mr. Rajiv Budhraja, the Prime Minister of ATMA, said that the gap between domestic natural rubber production and consumption is expected to increase. The tire industry has made large-scale investments to increase additional production capacity, especially in the production of trucks and bus tires. Rubber demand will increase further.

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