From January to August, U.S. Metal Processing Machine Orders Continue to Grow

The American Manufacturing Technology Association (AMT) and the American Machine Tool Distributors Association (AMTDA) have released the latest statistics on U.S. metal processing machine tool orders. In August 2011, the number of orders for metal processing machine tools in the United States was 2,188 units, an increase of 5.65% from 2,071 units in the previous month and an increase of 43.95% compared with 1,520 units in August 2010. In August, the U.S. metal processing machine orders amounted to 461 million U.S. dollars, which was a decrease of 9.4% from the value of 508 million U.S. dollars in the previous month, but it was also 88.5% higher than the figure of 244 million U.S. dollars in August 2010.

From January to August 2011, the total amount of orders for metal processing machines in the United States was US$3.439 billion, a substantial increase of 101% from US$1.711 billion in the same period of 2010.

In terms of product categories, in August, orders for metal cutting and metal forming machines in the United States were 2,036 and 152, respectively. In August, orders for metal-cutting machine tools were US$418 million, an increase of 3.5% from US$404 million in the previous month, an increase of 79.8% from US$232 million in August 2010, and orders for metal forming and manufacturing machines were 44 million. The U.S. dollar fell 59.1% from the previous month's 105 million U.S. dollars, but it was still 256.9% higher than the U.S. million figure in August 2010. From January to August 2011, the US orders for metal-cutting machine tools were US$3.067 billion, a year-on-year increase of 92.4%; orders for metal forming and manufacturing machines were US$372 million, an increase of 219.6% year-on-year.

AMT chairman Douglas Woods said: “While recent news reports indicate that the U.S. economic growth may be stagnant, orders for manufacturing technology and the machine tool industry are still growing. With orders showing a substantial increase from last year, the industry outlook is more optimistic. Companies also look The future development opportunities will increase new capital investment."

Suspension Crane

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