Flotation - Pharmacy System

In dealing with difficult and complex multi-metal mineral processing, reagent system is a key issue. Having considered the method of sorting useful minerals, it is necessary to determine the type of agent, dosage, ratio, dosing sequence, location and method.

I. Formulating a flotation scheme To formulate a flotation scheme, reference can be made to the practical experience of a similar ore dressing plant. The nature of the ore and the possible flotation options are analyzed. For example: whether to use hybrid flotation or priority flotation. If priority flotation is used, which minerals should be harvested first? Which minerals should be resisted? Which minerals need to be activated? Which minerals do not need to be activated? Which minerals should be considered for resistance? Which minerals do not need to be resisted.
The following lessons are available for reference when developing a sorting plan:
(1) First float the easily floatable minerals, and then float the minerals that are difficult to float. That is to say, the floatability is good first, and the floatability is poor after the float.
(2) Suppress minerals with poor floatability, do not suppress minerals that are easily inhibited by the danger of good floatability, and do not suppress minerals that are difficult to suppress.
For example: when the useful minerals as galena and sphalerite, galena floatability better than sphalerite, galena sphalerite example easily suppressed.
Therefore, the scheme of suppressing sphalerite and first flotation of galena can be adopted during sorting.
(3) If the floatability of the two minerals is similar, the minerals with a small amount of flotation should be floated first, and the minerals with a large amount of minerals should be suppressed, and it is easy to obtain better indicators.
For example: Copper Ore station sulfur, mainly useful minerals chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena floatability were good, typically first two The minerals float at the same time and are separated. When separating, it can suppress lead float copper or copper lead float. But in practice, the grade of copper in polymetallic mines is often much lower than the grade of lead. Therefore, the scheme of suppressing lead and copper is used more. If there is secondary copper ore in the ore, the galena is activated by secondary copper, so the lead-free copper floating process is difficult to carry out.
Another example: the flotation of iron quartzite , the main mineral hematite and quartz . Hematite content is often less than that of quartz. When sorting with fatty acid collectors , the floatability of hematite is better than that of quartz, so the flotation of hematite is generally adopted. However, if the iron concentrate contains a small amount of silica, in order to further improve the concentrate grade, a small amount of quartz is floated by a cationic collector. It has been proved that the method uses multiple magnetic separations than the magnetite concentrate. The method of excluding quartz is more effective.
(4) Minerals with a small amount of activation suppress minerals with low value, and it is easier to improve the effect of branching.
(5) Flotation of high-value minerals, inhibition of value minerals, easy to achieve flotation purposes.
For example: lead-zinc sulfide ore or copper-zinc sulfide ore, the remaining useful minerals after selection are mainly sphalerite and pyrite, and the activated sphalerite is not more buoyant than pyrite. However, in practice, the pyrite is selected first, followed by the selection of pyrite. The reason is that the activated sphalerite floatation significantly increases the value of the zinc ore compared with pyrite; the content of sphalerite is often higher than that of yellow. Iron ore is low. First, the sphalerite can be selected to obtain a better sorting effect.
(6) Minerals with high quality requirements for flotation concentrates, and minerals that inhibit the quality of concentrates.
For example, the flotation of molybdenum- sodium-copper ore ore, molybdenum ore and pyrite have good floatability, and the constitution obtains copper-molybdenum mixed concentrate. Separation of copper-molybdenum mixed concentrates, most of which use a copper-reducing molybdenum solution. The reason is that, besides the value of molybdenum is higher than that of copper, and the grade of molybdenum is lower than that of copper, high requirements for molybdenum concentrate are also an important reason. If floating copper is used to suppress molybdenum, the mixed gangue in the mixed concentrate is concentrated in the molybdenum concentrate, and the molybdenum concentrate is difficult to meet the requirements.
Second, the choice of pharmacy According to the above, the same reference to the practice of a similar concentrator, and through the test to determine the flotation scheme, you can further formulate the prescription of the process plan. The dosage form includes the type and amount of the agent. The following questions should be noted when selecting a drug:
1. The relationship between capture and inhibition In the same system, collectors and inhibitors often interact. It is expressed in the amount of collector and inhibitor and the strength of the harvest. When the dosage of the inhibitor is large, the amount of the collector should be much more; the amount of the collector should be increased, and the amount of the inhibitor should be increased. Similarly, when the inhibitor with weak inhibition ability is used, the collector of the harvesting agent can be selected. Separation will otherwise lead to separation difficulties.
2. Relationship between activation and inhibition Activators and inhibitors in the same system also interact. The activator activates a certain mineral in the pulp and also acts on other minerals. When the amount is increased, several minerals can often be activated simultaneously. The inhibitor is similar to the activator. When the amount is small, it can act on only one kind of mineral, and the amount is increased, and several minerals can be inhibited at the same time. When using an activator, the inhibitor must be used in good amounts.
Some medicines can have different effects when used in different amounts. For example, when sodium sulfide is used in a small amount to activate the non-ferrous metal oxide ore, if the amount is too large, the non-ferrous metal oxide ore is also inhibited. More attention should be paid to the use of such agents to make full use of their effects.
3. The relationship between trapping and foaming is often not isolated from collectors and foaming agents, except that some agents have both properties and interact with each other. For example, when the amount of the collector is constant, when the amount of other agents is constant, only increasing the amount of the foaming agent can increase the yield of the flotation bubble. For example, some minerals are inhibited, and the inhibition is not very strong, sometimes By increasing the amount of foaming agent, it is possible to sell minerals. During the flotation process, if the foaming agent is properly used, the correct amount is ensured, and the viscosity is suitable for the foam, which is beneficial to improve the hearing selectivity, if the flotation process is excessively sticky. The foam, often do not get high-quality concentrates, determine the optimal amount of foaming agent should also be tested with the use of collectors. If the collector has a certain foaming properties, a foaming agent should be less jerk; Table collector having a defoaming effect, such as kerosene, diesel, appropriately increase foaming agent.
4. Dispersion and agglomeration relationship After the slurry is treated by the agent, the gangue mineral is inhibited to be dispersed, the target mineral acts as a collecting agent, and the surface vegetable water is easy to form a floc. After stirring and aerating, the hydrophobic floc easily adheres to the bubble. Above, the bubbles are mineralized to become a foaming product, and the gangue in a dispersed state, the surface is hydrophilic, remains in the flotation tank, and the dispersion and agglomeration of minerals in the pulp must be moderately controlled, and the agglomeration is too strong. The gangue particles are trapped in the agglomerates, increasing pollution and reducing the quality of the concentrate; at the same time, the aggregates are too large to adhere to the bubbles, causing losses and affecting the recovery rate of the concentrate. Insufficient dispersion makes the gangue adhere to each other, causing entrainment and affecting the quality of the concentrate.
In the selective flocculation process, the amount of flocculant and flocculant has a greater influence on the flotation results, and the dispersion is excessive. The amount of flocculant is bound to be unprecedented. Under certain dispersion conditions, the amount of coagulant is increased, and the selectivity is To reduce, affect the sorting effect, according to the difference in mineral floatability, determine the capture, inhibition, foaming, dispersion of appropriate agents, master the mix and dosage, to ensure the most reasonable flotation process, the best results.
Third, the rational addition of the agent The purpose of reasonable addition is to ensure that the best agent and agent in the pulp can carry out the most effective effect. According to the selectivity of the ore, the nature of the agent, the process requirements, the selection of appropriate dosing points, appropriate dosing methods to achieve this purpose. There are usually several kinds of flotation reagents added to the slurry, plus the various kinds of minerals in the pulp. The interaction between them is complicated and restricts each other. Compared with the pharmaceutical system, these effects can be fully utilized to exert the efficacy of the medicament. Improper addition of the drug may cause confusion in the entire process and disrupt the normal operation of the sorting.
1. Dosing order According to the mechanism of action of the drug, the order of dosing is determined. Typically, the pH adjuster-activator or inhibitor collector-foaming agent is added in the following order. However, for some oxysulfide ore, the order of dosing should be changed appropriately. Add the collector immediately after adding the pH adjuster, so that the surface of the mineral does not react with the collector before oxidation, and then add inhibitor, which can improve the metal. Recovery rate. However, when selecting a collector, it should be noted that it is not possible to select an excessively strong collection capacity, otherwise the sorting effect will be affected.
2. The dosing point of the dosing point has a great relationship with the effectiveness of the drug, and generally depends on the nature of the drug and the length of time required for the action. PH adjusters and inhibitors are mostly added to the ball mill . In order to fully exert the effect of the agent, some insoluble collectors can also be added to the ball mill. The easily soluble collector, activator and foaming agent are generally added to the float. Before the selection of the mixing tank bath, if the two agents can react with each other and counteract the effect, they should be added separately. Generally, after the former agent is sufficient, a second agent such as copper sulfate and xanthate, calcium chloride and Oleic acid should be added separately to different locations.
The collector and the foaming agent can be added to the flotation machine in addition to the mixing drum, and the amount added to the flotation machine accounts for about 20-40%.
3. Dosing methods There are two main ways of adding drugs: concentrated dosing and batch addition. Concentrated dosing is to add the full amount of the agent to the slurry before flotation. The depth of the agent is relatively high. The transfer rate is to increase the flotation speed at the beginning of the flotation process. In the early stage of flotation, the selectivity is usually the best. Increasing the flotation speed at the beginning of flotation is very meaningful for sorting. It is convenient and simple to add, so it is often used. The agent is not added once, added in batches or added point by point. It can maintain a relatively balanced depth in the whole process of flotation, and has a greater significance for the recovery rate of a more difficult material. In the case, it is often used in batches:
(1) A drug that is easily taken away by foam. For example, fatty acid collectors are formulated to have foaming properties. If added at a point, they are easily taken away by the foam, reducing the concentration of the agent in the later stage of flotation, and the ore is unfavorable for sorting.
(2) An agent that reacts easily in the pulp. Agents such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are only added at one point and are prone to reaction and fail.
(3) A dose that requires strict control of the drug. Some agents will have the opposite, or lose the choice, such as sodium sulfide, when the drug should be added in batches.
When sorting fine-grained materials, the selective particles are poor. If a large amount of slime is contained, the sorting effect will be drastically deteriorated. In order to fully exert the effect of the agent and improve the selectivity, the dosage must be strictly controlled. , so that the medicament is in a state of deficit.
The action time of common drugs can be determined according to experience, such as pine oil 1-2min, xanthate 1-3min, longer action time, and the agent added to the ball mill does not need to be determined by experiment.
4. Mixed drug mixture can also be called a combination drug, which has been widely used in practice. Mixed drugs are two or more kinds of the same type or different types of drugs added to the flotation in a certain proportion, which is conducive to improving the concentrate grade and Recovery rate. For example, mixed use of different hydrocarbon-based xanthate can improve the efficacy. Flotation test was carried out with 50g/t of xanthate, propyl yellow, xanthate and xanthate in a ratio of 1:1. as follows:

It can be seen from the above data that the mixed drug is better than the single use, the recovery rate is obviously improved, and Fu Ming, the speed of fornication is accelerated. Different types of collectors are mixed, often with one collector, and the other is an auxiliary collector. There are many examples. For example, oleic acid and kerosene are used in combination with flotation limestone, which significantly increases phosphorus. The recovery rate of limestone. If oleic acid is used alone, the recovery rate is 20%; when mixed with kerosene, oleic acid: kerosene = 1:2, the recovery rate is increased to 60%; oleic acid: kerosene = 1:3, the recovery rate is 90% . Others can also be used in combination with diesel and xanthate. Flotation of iron sulfide in the practice of copper sulphide ore; diesel and fatty acid-receiving pebbles; use of diesel as an auxiliary collector for amine flotation feldspar ; An example of a mixture of diesel and xanthate using a flotation Banyan copper mine. Mixing agents are used to improve the inhibitory properties of the agent, which are more common, such as: cyanide mixed with zinc sulfate; sulfite and zinc acid, etc., as described in Section 4 of Chapter 3.
Mixed use shows good results, because on the one hand, the mineral surface has non-uniformity, different types or different strengths of the agent can be selectively adsorbed in different intervals, increasing the adsorption density of the agent on the mineral surface or the drug coverage. The surface area increases the hydrophobicity of the mineral surface; on the other hand, the mineral surface in different agents can produce co-adsorption.
There are two models for co-adsorption. One is interpenetrating type, one agent is first adsorbed on the surface of the mineral, and another drug molecule or ion is interspersed in the crucible, and vertically arranged on the surface of the mineral to form a co-adsorption, for example, capturing quartz with an amine salt, adding neutrality The molecular basis of the molecular dodecanol, the alcohol neutral molecule and the cationic collector rely on the van der Waals force to intervene the neutral molecules in the middle of the collector ions, reducing the shielding effect of the same-named charge, reducing the critical beam concentration of the agent and The amount of the agent is used to increase the quartz in a certain range. The molecules or ions of the foaming agent and the collector are often associated with each other, interpenetrating, and co-adsorbing on the surface of minerals or bubbles, which is more convenient for mineralization of bubbles. The selectivity of the flotation process.
The second co-adsorbed model is superposition adsorption. For example, diesel or kerosene is mixed with a heteropolar collector, and the non-polar end of the hydrocarbon oil and the heteropolar collector acts to make the mineral surface more water, the adsorption of alcohol molecules and kerosene on the coal surface, or The adsorption of oleic acid molecules and kerosene on the surface of the apatite belongs to the stacked type of co-adsorption.
Due to the action of the polar collector, the adsorption of oil droplets on the mineral surface is improved, and the hydrophobic oil contributes to the thinning of the water film in the local area of ​​the ore and the bubble, and shortens the induction time of the ore on the bubble, and The concentration of some oils is concentrated along the three-phase contact, which increases the contact angle of the minerals, helps the bubbles to contact with the ore particles, and increases the adhesion strength between the bubbles and the ore particles.
Fourth, the pretreatment of the same agent, due to different methods of use, its dosage and effect are different, especially in the case of small or insoluble agents in water, more obvious, for example, hydrocarbon oils, without treatment, in water Thick oil droplets not only do not work well, but also increase in dosage.
1. Preparation of aqueous solution For water-soluble, it is generally used in 5-10% aqueous solution, such as xanthate, copper sulfate, soda and so on.
2. Adding a solvent to prepare some agents which are insoluble in water but soluble in certain solvents, can be dissolved in a solvent, such as oil to be insoluble in water, but soluble in kerosene; white medicine is dissolved in o-toluidine, etc., and dissolved first. Then use it to improve its collection.
3. Formulated as a suspension or emulsion Some non-soluble solid agents can be formulated into a pool of liquids or suspensions. For example, lime has very little solubility in water, about 0.17% at 20 ° C, and decreases with temperature. Therefore, the lime is ground to 100-10 μm and mixed with water to make a lime milk.
4. Saponification Some insoluble fatty acid agents, such as oxidized paraffin, tar oil, etc., saponification is the most common method. In order to make it saponification, it is necessary to add warming and add about 10% of sodium carbonate to the pharmaceutical problem. When adding the slurry, the temperature of the solution should be kept at about 60-700C.
5. Emulsification and Aerosol In order to improve the dispersion or solubility of the agent in the ore, the emulsification method can be used, which is very important for the insoluble or water-insoluble agent, which can increase the contact probability of the agent with the ore and in the ore. The coverage area on the granules, that is, the increased hydrophobic area of ​​the ore particles, increases the chance of entering the fine emulsification by mechanical strong agitation, or by ultrasonic emulsification, etc., after emulsification of fatty acids and diesel oil, they can be improved in the ore. The degree of dispersion, to improve the effectiveness of the agent, can also be added as a solvent, after vigorously stirring the emulsion, many surface active substances, can be used as emulsifiers, also known as auxiliary surface agents.
Aerosol is another method of strengthening the action of the medicament. In essence, it is a special spray device. After the agent is atomized in the air, it is added to the flotation machine. With this method, the amount of collector and foaming agent is significantly reduced. For example, the collector is only 1/3 to 1/4 of the usual dosage, and the foaming agent methyl propanol is 1/5 of the usual dosage. The practice of aerosol application in China also shows that the dosage of the agent can be reduced by 30. -50%.
6. Electrochemical treatment Many agents can increase their activity after electrochemical treatment.
Since the introduction of xanthate and dihuang medicine, the insights into the ability to improve the recovery of xanthate have been studied. Because of the low solubility of double xanthate, flotation of sulfide ore is less used, in order to be able to A certain proportion of double xanthate is produced in the drug solution, and it can be dispersed into 28-30 μm droplets. The electrochemical oxidation of xanthate is used to make some xanthate anions become dihuangyuan, and the reaction formula is as follows:
Picture 17
The electrochemical oxidation equipment used in the industry is designed according to the principle of electrocatalysis or electrocatalysis, wherein the electro-ecological method is relatively simple, as shown in the following figure.

Picture 18

It uses a water flow pump to obtain a mixture of gas, water and xanthate. The mixture passes between two nickel electrodes and the voltage between the two electrodes is 3-5 V, the current is 1 A, and the electrode plate size is 5×10 mm. For the xanthate solution with a depth of 3-4%, after electrochemical oxidation, the oxidation degree is 4-8%, and the zinc cycle for lead and zinc flotation is treated with 60 g/t per ton of this xanthate, zinc The recovery rate can be increased by 1.62%. Other practices have also proved that this electrochemically oxidized xanthate can increase lead and zinc recovery by more than 1% when used in lead and zinc flotation. After the electrochemical treatment of hydrocarbon oil, the content of carboxylic acid increased significantly. The results are as follows:

Results of electrochemical treatment of kerosene

Electrochemical treatment of kerosene greatly increases the flotation activity of some minerals. The flotation effect is shown in the following table:

Flotation effect of electrochemical treatment of kerosene The essence of electrochemical treatment of hydrocarbon oil is that kerosene adsorbs to the surface of the anode, emits electrons, and reacts with the hydroxyl groups released from the water molecules to form a carboxyl compound. The reaction formula is as follows: :

Picture 19

Other agents, such as sodium sulfide, sodium cyanide, water glass, sodium carbonate, fatty amines, etc., can also be electrochemically treated according to similar principles to improve their efficacy.
7. Magnetic treatment with appropriate magnetic sound intensity, magnetic treatment of flotation reagents can increase the efficacy, reduce the amount and indicators, such as the use of water treated with magnetic field strength of about 120kA / m, water glass and kerosene crude tower Flotation of apatite can increase the recovery rate by 3-4% and reduce the dosage; the recovery rate can be improved by flotation of fluorite with oleic acid emulsion treated with a magnetic field strength of 175-190 kA/m. 1.8-2.5%; with coal treated with 72kA/m magnetic field strength, the yield of clean coal increased by about 7%. At the same time, the particle size analysis of the product shows that the content of 1-0.5mm in the clean coal is significantly increased, and the magnetic treatment can be the planktonicity of the coarse coal.
Similar results can be obtained by floating water using magnetic treatment, but are closely related to inorganic materials. If the coal slurry is floated with distilled water, the magnetic treatment has little effect on the flotation index. If the tap water is added or the inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride or calcium chloride are added, the amount of fine coal can be obtained by magnetic treatment. Increase by about 4-5%. It has also been reported that the use of treated water to select coal can increase the amount of kerosene adsorbed on the surface of the coal particles and reduce the amount of adsorption on the vermiculite.
Others such as heating, radioactive radiation and ultraviolet light irradiation can improve the efficacy.

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