Five steps to improve data center performance

When many organizations list trends and issues that affect technology development in the coming year, there are often long-term considerations, such as future developments that may be envisaged a few years later or even decades later. This is especially true for analytics organizations. For example, for 2019, research firm Gartner focused on artificial intelligence, blockchain, and turning sustainable change into assets.
These ideas are good, but the organization is considering how to maximize data center performance? What needs to be done? Perhaps these ideas are not so useful. So what can data center managers do in the coming year?
Organizations can take the following five steps:
(1) Adopt a valid DCIM
Data center adoption of effective data center infrastructure management (DCIM) is a key requirement, so why do most traditional DCIM suite solutions seem difficult to achieve? Companies need to focus more on easier-to-use, more accessible methods, and Meet the requirements for developing the right cooling, power and space strategy.
Therefore, if you are not comfortable with an overly complex DCIM or consulting agency-led computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach, then an equally effective SaaS-driven solution can provide all the control needed to monitor, manage, and maximize the data center. Organizations do not have to use DCIM.
(2) pay more attention to edge integration
Organizations can truly maximize data center performance by successfully integrating all operations—including all of the different edge computing microdata centers and modular data centers. Mechanical and electrical capacity planning and simulation capabilities remain the primary measures for managing data center facilities.
In 2019, this situation can no longer be maintained, especially when features such as SaaS access, wireless sensing, and mobile network access allow organizations to adopt the same ZHI best practices for data center operations.
(3) A fully perceived data center will become a reality
Only with the right data mapping data center facilities can the data center operations team really begin to understand their data center performance in real time. To do this correctly, more than 1,000 sensors need to be installed in a typical data center to measure a range of previously unknown factors, including energy consumption, heat output, air above and below the floor.
This situation does not improve until the cost of the sensor is declining. A new level of sensing can be achieved by using wireless devices that support the Internet of Things to change the cost dynamics.
(4) subjective optimization judgment beyond data center performance
While data center industry experts can build images of the dynamic behavior of cooling systems over time, the key nature of today's data center operations means that cooling is a very important issue for subjective judgment.
However, access to increasingly sophisticated rack-level data now provides data center operators with a true data platform for real-time software decision making and solution planning.
(5) Learn from other departments to gain new insights into infrastructure management
If organizations can wisely adopt technological innovations from other industries, they can be better addressed when faced with some challenges in data centers and other build environments. For example, 3D data center visualization uses new game technologies.
In addition, you can learn from the geospatial data domain and help customers populate their advanced data center models by using advanced spatial mapping devices that support LiDAR.

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