A new study shows that eating 8 servings of 80 grams or more of fruit and vegetables a day can reduce the risk of 25% to 31% of a person dying from cancer or heart disease. Chemical pump,High Quality Chemical pump,Chemical pump Details, CN Botou Honghai Pump Co.,Ltd , https://www.gearpump.nl
The study came from University College London. In the United Kingdom, food scientists surveyed 65,000 eating habits from 2001 to 2013. They found that eating seven or more meals a day can help reduce the overall risk of death by 42%. The risk of eating five to seven deaths a day was reduced by 36%, the risk of eating three to five servings was reduced by 29%, and the risk of death from eating one to three servings of fruits and vegetables was reduced by 14%. The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, shows that fresh vegetables provide the most powerful protection, followed by salads and fruits. The authors claim that canned and frozen fruits appear to increase the risk of death rather than decrease because the sugar content will outweigh the benefits.
Eat two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables a day and live a healthy life every day.
Every day, seven fruits and vegetables are healthy every day