Dushanzi ethylene plant completes initial design

The “Preliminary Design of 1 Million Ton/Year Ethylene Plant in Dushanzi” and “Preliminary Design of 5 Main Items for Auxiliary Facilities” designed and completed by China Linochem Chemical Engineering Company have recently passed preliminary design review moderated by PetroChina’s chemical and sales subsidiaries. .

Experts believe that Dushanzi's 1 million-tonne/year ethylene plant has a large number of projects, complex equipment, many types of materials, and high technical requirements. The design task is very arduous. Ryukyu completed the preliminary design on time according to the overall pre-deployment and submitted preliminary design documents for 30 volumes. The depth of the content meets the requirements of the preliminary design regulations. It is a relatively good one for the preliminary design of the chemical industry in recent years.

This project is the largest general contracting project undertaken by Ryukyu Company so far. It is reported that the first batch of materials purchased by the company has arrived at the scene in the near future and passed the on-site quality retest. With the successful arrival of Kazakhstan crude oil through the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline on July 29, Dushanzi, a super-large petrochemical base with a capacity of 10 million tons of oil refining and 1.2 million tons of ethylene will be standing in Dushanzi, Xinjiang.

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