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Leisuwash S90 touchless car wash machine high intelligent high quality, with car wash + car care + drying process totally, each car wash takes time 1 minute to 5 minutes which depends on the car wash mode.
Leisuwash S90 Car Wash Machine is an entry level car wash unit, but you won`t find any low grade components and no cost cutting on the expense of quality. Each Leisuwash S90 is built by Leisuwash employees in accordance with our usual quality standards, the low price is achieved by high standardization and the use of proven technology. The Leisuwash S90 is for clients that need a wash machine at a competitive price with higher ROI. Leisuwash S90 Vehicle Wash System Auto Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series,Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine,Automatic Leisuwash S90 Series Car Wash Machine Hangzhou Leisu Cleaning Equipment Co.,Ltd , https://www.leisuwashtouchless.com
Determination of the elevation of the main flat mouth
  From the perspective of mineral deposit development, the lower the elevation of the main flat shovel, the more reserves will be developed with the flat raft. However, the elevation of the main level is often limited by the elevation of the ore deposit of the ground mine, which must be adapted to the elevation of the mine.
When the ore main adit electric locomotive directly transported to bunker by beneficiation plant, the main adit port downhill elevation should reach 3 ~ 4 ‰ receiving bunker receiving mine mouth elevation; the use of automobiles or belt When the conveyor is transported, it is determined by the terrain and the allowable running slope of the equipment. Sometimes the ore needs to be shipped out, and the ore level of the mine bin is related to the loading height (with or without a mine bin) (loading a train or loading a car); if it is transported by an aerial ropeway, the elevation of the mine mouth It should be able to meet the needs of the height difference of the coarse, medium and ropeway stations. When the elevation of the selected plant is very different from the height of the main flat, the ore needs to be transported to reach the plant. At this time, it is determined only by the reasonable elevation of the main flat.
In some mines, the main flat sluice and the concentrating plant are uncoordinated by the ore level of the mine bin, causing the electric car to move uphill, thus affecting the traction of the electric car. In addition to special conditions, it should generally be avoided.