Go straight (MASTER AIR WAR BILL FLIGHT) From the start, use the airline master bill of lading (MAWB) to ship to the final destination. For example: Hong Kong-Frankfurt, flight without transit: or from Hong Kong to Bangkok, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, ... etc. Airports, then connecting another flight or even another airline voyage to the terminal airport, during which transit connections It is solely arranged by MASTER AIR WAY BILL ISSUING LINER. Such as: German Airlines, Air France, Singapore Airlines, Polish Airlines ... and so on. Maybe it is not the airline’s own business that entrusts the airline to operate on its own behalf and the associated airline company that has landed at the airport is then transported to a certain point, and then transits to the original airline flight to which the original bill of lading belongs. If Hungarian Airlines does not have a flight to Taipei to land, but its Taiwan General Agency (GENERAL SERVICE AGENT/GSA) acts as its contractor and issues bills of lading, and the goods are delivered to Cathay Pacific Airport or Frankfurt Airport for transport. Hungarian Airlines' own flight to its parent station Budapest Airport. Because it is taking the master bill of lading to take the goods, it cannot be assembled or transferred. At most, it is only ONE COVER ONE / ONE MASTER BILL COVERING ONE HOUSE WAY BILL! Therefore, many buyers have pointed out that CARRIER'S WAY BILL is afraid of being assembled or transported by freight forwarding agents. In addition to negotiating a small amount of freight on a bill of lading, the biggest advantage is that it can directly exert pressure on the airline’s local office personnel to require that the voyage be accurately tracked in order to facilitate early delivery of the goods to their destination. Detailed explanation of air transportation method 2: Transport TRANSSHIPMENT From the starting station, the goods will be delivered to an outside station via freight forwarders, such as airports in Bangkok, Singapore, etc. They will then be shipped to the appropriate destination by the air freight cooperating agency in the area and transferred to the final destination. Its operations are more complicated, but the demand for trans-shipment operations, in addition to the measurement of economic benefits, does indeed have a large number of airports that cannot be reached, especially when the former Iron Curtain States or distant carriers that have not been directly arrived from the locality can carry them. Therefore, we must rely on tandem transfer operations. It is only possible that the operational process during this period will depend entirely on the accommodations determined in advance by the forwarding agent freight forwarding company and the urgent tracking in transit. These have all depended on the fact that the starting station did indeed have an in-depth understanding of the airline's model, capacity, and connection to the airport, as well as the cooperation attitude and efficiency of foreign agents. If the above capabilities are available, non-stop airlines that provide more pleasure for exporters and carry larger quantities can choose to use it. Three ways to explain air transport: Assembling Assembling (CONSOLIDATION/GROUP TRANSPORT) Because of their different cost structures, airlines must not only comply with the basic freight rates specified by the IATA (International Freight Forwarders Association): MINIMUM -45KG, +45KG, but they can also decide on their own basis but they must base on each entry (per each The minimum required weight of a single MASTER AIR WAY BILL for the unit of measurement is +100KG, +500KG, +1,000KG or more, which gives freight forwarding companies different discount discount rates. Therefore, under conditional conditions, when the combination of small cargo and large cargo, if the 45KG cargo, together in the MAWB list of +100KG, freight forwarding companies can enjoy preferential rates of more than +100KG for the freight paid by airlines. The freight forwarders also share the difference with the customer, so that the exporter can save a considerable amount of freight. Detailed Explanation of Air Ways: Chartering CHARTER According to the consigned cargo, the shipper needs to occupy the cargo hold of the aircraft for a certain period of time, and the carrier needs to take special measures to guarantee the transportation. The charter flights can be subdivided into two types: charter flights and partial charter flights. (1) The entire charter This refers to the means by which the airline or chartered agent company leases the entire aircraft to the charterer based on the condition and rate pre-agreed with the renter and transports the goods from one or several air stations to the designated destination. It is suitable for bulk cargo and transportation. (2) Part of charter flights Some of the chartered flights have two methods. One is that several air cargo agency companies or consignors jointly charter the entire aircraft, and the other is that charter companies sublease the entire aircraft class to several air cargo agency companies. . Floor cleaner is a type of cleaning product used to clean and sanitize floors. It is available in various forms such as liquid, powder, and spray. Floor cleaners are designed to remove dirt, grime, stains, and other contaminants from different types of flooring, including hardwood, tile, vinyl, and laminate. They usually contain surfactants, disinfectants, and fragrances that help to clean and deodorize floors. Some floor cleaners are also formulated to protect and preserve the natural shine of the flooring material. They are typically applied with a mop or a cleaning cloth and then rinsed or wiped away with water. Floor cleaner is a cleaning product scientifically formulated by surfactant, bactericide, essence and unique brightening factor; It has good cleaning power, bactericidal power and brightness, and is suitable for cleaning all kinds of smooth hard surfaces, especially for cleaning all kinds of floor surfaces. Floor cleaner is a cleaning product scientifically formulated by surfactant, bactericide, essence and unique brightening factor; It has good cleaning, bactericidal, and glossy properties, suitable for cleaning various smooth and hard surfaces, especially for cleaning various floor surfaces. 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Details of air transportation (go straight, transfer, assembly, charter)