Chlorophyll detector to study the relationship between different varieties of flue-cured tobacco and nitrogen

There are many elements and nutrients in the leaves, and there is a great correlation between the content of nitrogen and the chlorophyll spad value of the leaves. Imagine the value can be used for the reaction of nitrogen content, but only through the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The change of chlorophyll in different flue-cured tobacco varieties is a condition of the experiment. The relationship between the chlorophyll spad value of different varieties and tobacco nitrogen nutrition was studied through chlorophyll detector.

The distribution of chlorophyll in tobacco leaves is not only related to the location of the determination (leaf base, middle leaves, tip). In addition, it is related to the period of determination and the variety of flue-cured tobacco. The results of the study are inconsistent with the results of other researchers. It may be due to differences in the leaf position and the time of determination. Therefore, when the chlorophyll detector is used to investigate the characteristics of chlorophyll in flue-cured tobacco leaves, It is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as species, period, and the location of the leaves.

The chlorophyll spad values ​​of different flue-cured tobacco cultivars differed significantly, and with increasing time, the F value showed an increasing trend, while the chlorophyll spad value among different parts of the same leaf had very significant differences in the first 4 determinations, with the delay of the reproductive process. The F value decreased continuously, and the differences in the pad values ​​between the two sites after chlorophyll detection were not significant, indicating that the color of the leaves gradually tends to be uniform during the maturation of tobacco leaves.

For different flue-cured tobacco varieties, the spad value of leaf chlorophyll was not only related to the site of measurement, but also affected by the determination time. In the measured time range, the chlorophyll spad value of the 10th leaf was the smallest at the base of the leaf and the largest at the tip, and the sap value of the chlorophyll in the 3 parts of the chlorophyll detector was significantly different or significantly different in the first 3 measurements. In the three determinations, there was no significant difference in the padding values ​​measured at different parts of the leaves of the same leaf position between Honghua Dajinyuan and Liaoyan No. 13, and the leaf color was relatively uniform.

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