China's 100-watt class traveling wave thermoacoustic generator principle machine came out

According to the "Science Times", researchers such as Luo Ercang of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have successfully developed a prototype of a 100-watt traveling wave thermoacoustic generator, and became the first in the world to develop a prototype of traveling wave thermoacoustic power generation. One of the units (the other unit is the LosAlamos National Laboratory). Unlike the United States, the thermoacoustic generators developed by Physicochemicals have nearly doubled the electricity generated by the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

It is understood that thermoacoustic power generation technology is a brand-new thermal power generation technology with high reliability, low production cost, high thermal efficiency (30%~40%) and environmental protection. In particular, thermoacoustic power generation technology can use solar energy, industrial waste heat and thermal energy generated by any fuel combustion, so thermoacoustic power generation technology is becoming a cutting-edge technology in the field of energy and power research. At present, the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Electrical Engineering are planning the research and application of 1~10kW solar-powered thermoacoustic power generation technology. Relevant experts believe that once this new power generation technology breaks through, it will make an important contribution to alleviating China's energy shortage.

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