Blue energy: a huge potential for hybrid power generation

The ocean is a tremendous source of energy. In addition to oil and gas on the ocean floor, tidal power generation and wave power generation in the offshore, salt-poor power generation can also be exploited and utilized. The long coastline of China and the large estuaries will have enormous potential for energy development , And salt difference power generation and solar and wind energy compared to less climate-constrained, that is to say it is a controlled renewable energy, the development of great potential. The so-called "salt difference power generation" is the seawater and freshwater mixed in the estuary, because of salinity, can react chemically, while generating electricity.

Water is the source of life and the source of energy, which we call water.

The traditional water can include hydropower development, which uses the geographical drop of the large river water to generate energy, in addition to tidal energy, wave power generation, these are the physical energy conversion, but in fact water as a source of energy Another implicit potential is also implied by the chemical reaction of mixed water to generate electrical energy.

Simply put, when seawater and freshwater are mixed at the estuary, chemical reactions can occur and electricity can be generated because of different salinity. Known as blue energy, it is considered as one of the most clean energy sources to be developed.

Half a century of exploration

The concept of blue energy was first proposed by British engineer RE Pattle in 1954 and is sometimes referred to as "penetrating energy," as it generates energy due to infiltration.

To understand how it works, we can make two bottles of salt solutions of different concentrations. If there is a thin "semipermeable membrane" between the two bottles of solution that allows water to pass through but does not allow salt ions to pass through, then the water will naturally Flows from the light side to the salty side, and the pressure generated when water flows through the membrane can be used to power the turbine.

Pressure Gauge

Ningbo Senmiao Trading Co., Ltd. ,